Performing... Once again

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Laala's POV
"La- La- SoLaMi Smile's Laala!" Yui stutters.

I smile.

" Sorry for the late introduction. Hello, Im Manaka Laala from SoLaMi Smile, Kashikoma"

Yui faints and I rush to pick her up before she falls to the ground. By then, Meeganee makes her way to me.

"Miss Laala, your idol watch has maxed out! You can now do a three-minute performance! " She says.

I pass the fainted Yui to her.

"Kashikoma! Please take care of Yui! And wake her up! I want her to see my performance,"

Meganee nods and I rush to the stage.

On stage
"Hi minna-san! I'm SoLaMi Smile's Laala! Hope you enjoy the performance! Kashikoma "

Sorry, I could not find a full screen.


" Hey, look, someone is performing in Pripara! " Asahi points to the screen in the room.

"SoLaMi Smile? What group is that? " Shougo asks.

" Oh, I have heard of them. They are a kami Idol girl group in Parajuku," Koyoi states.

"Nice! A real Kami Idol group! " Asahi says.

Shougo's POV

I say nothing. I am mesmerised by the beauty of the girl on the screen. Have I fal-no impossible! Her performance was just eye-catching, that's all.


After Laala's performance

" Wow, her performance was on a whole different level than ours... " Asahi says.

"Well, She is a kami Idol. But! We can beat her if we work hard! " Shougo said.

"Anyway Shougo, I saw you staring at her from a long time, do you perhaps, have a crush on her? " Koyoi says sheepishly.
"n-no I don't!" I stutter while blushing.

" What will your betrothed say? " Koyoi said.

" Don't mention her! I'll never marry her! She is just a spoilt little princess! " Shougo says, angrily.

Laala's POV

"A-A-ACHOOO! " I sneezed, "Who is talking about me?"

"Laala, are you ok? Are you ready for school tomorrow? " Yui bends down to look at me.

"Kashikoma! " I reply energetically.

We head out of Pripara together.

System error.....system error......

I open my eyes and look at my finger. Have my fingers in real life always been so long? I look at myself in the mirror. What I see shocks myself.


"Laala, what are you doing? Cur- YUMESHOCKUU" Yui says while turning to look at me.

"Meganee, what happened? " I turned to Meganee.

"I think there maybe a slight error with both of your pritickets.... " Meganee said.

" 'Both?" I look at Yui and realised she was in her pripara form too!

"When can you get us fixed? "

"I don't think I can.... I have never seen a bug like this before... "

"What are we going to do? " we both say.

We walk out of pripara and find WITH.

"ewww, it's my baka onii-chan, let's go the other way Laala"

"Y-yui what happened to you? Why do you look so grown up? " Shougo asks.

"It's not your problem, baka onii-chan" Yui says while pushing me away.

Shougo's POV

What is wrong with Yui? Why does she look so grown up? Besides Yui, I see a girl with two lilac ponytails. Hey isn't that the girl I saw on Pripara TV?

"Hey Yui, who's that beside you? "

"Yeah, she does look familiar, doesn't she? " Asahi continues.

Laala's POV

I stand up from Yui pushing me and walk towards them.

"Hi, Im SoLaMi Smiles Laala, nice to meet you. Kashikoma!"

Pripara:The Clash Of The Heirs (officially discontinued)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora