Chapter 10 : Training the Pride (1)

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There were thirty-seven wolves in total, twenty-three were fighters, the rest were five cubs, four pregnant females, two elderly and three injured. I took the first ten wolves hunting, the other thirteen fighter wolves were left guarding the nest. I used the stick on the wolves when I dominated them to become my pack, now, I'm gonna gave them candy.

We searched around and found a pack of cow-like monsters drinking and eating water grass on a small river, not far from the nest. I appraised one of them, they were called Steel Back Bulls, they were monsters with shapes like a pure white cow, two big horns and black metal covering their back and spine. According to the appraisal, they were not that strong and tastes delicious.

They were twenty of them, give or take, they were crowding closely together. But fortunately, there were some straying from the herd. I ordered the ten wolves to split into two teams and attacked two bulls closest to us, I wanted to see how they hunt. With a roar, the wolves went after the bulls. The bulls were alerted and quickly crossed the river to escape, the wolves surrounded the separated bulls.

Despite the wolves surrounding them, the bulls didn't stop and attempt to charge through. The wolves stopped the bulls by attacking its legs, I could tell it was not the first time the wolves hunted the bulls from the way they hunt. The wolves attacked the bull's legs first to stop them from escaping then slowly chipped away the bulls HP and stamina by attacking ferociously.

The wolves attacked in turns, the bulls were covered in wounds, the wolves didn't let up their attacks. When the bulls showed sign of fatigue, the wolves dealt the finishing blow, a bite to the neck. One wolf clung onto the bull's neck and didn't let go, the other wolves latched onto the bull's body, biting and scratching, weighing down on the bull. Preventing it from struggling.

The bulls then fell, exhausted and bled to death. The wolves howled to the sky. I, who was watching from the sideline, was a bit surprised. I thought the wolves would fight more barbarically but instead, they were a lot more efficient. But, it was not enough, against normal monster it would be fine but if they fought a smarter monster, like goblins, it wouldn't be enough.

But no matter, I could train them and grow strong with them. Although I had grown to rank 2, I'm still but an amateur in fighting and killing, I only had an imaginative mind and dozens of reference from movies and literature. I needed to train diligently and grew strong.

I, beautiful fox, and the wolves returned to the nest. I took apart the bulls and give the wolves a little taste of BBQ although it was just grilled meat with no seasonings. I made a simple BBQ stand from ruby, it was a peculiar sight, seeing a BBQ stand slowly extended and formed out of my hands.

The wolves hesitated at first, but they quickly fell in love with the new taste. It actually tasted pretty good, despite the lack of seasoning, the meat was juicy and there was a faintly sweet taste to it, not to mention, it had no bad smell at all. It was evening when we finished devouring the two bulls. I set up a simple shift to rotate the guarding wolves and retired to my new home, the hole under the biggest tree, with the beautiful fox. There were so many things to be done from now on, I would be very busy.

For the record, the previous leader wolf's corpse was burned and it's ash buried.


The next morning, I took the previous ten wolves with me and went around our den, I wanted to check the place and familiarize myself with it. The beautiful fox stayed back to guard the den. The den was situated on the border between the inner and outer circle at the south of the forest.

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