Waves of Hope

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Severus Snape's point of view
————————————————  I made my way down to the edge of the school grounds to apparate to wherever the boys blasted relatives have whisked him off to. I am not stupid, I know something is going on... no one receives fifty acceptance letters without replying to at least one! Reaching the gates of Hogwarts I quickly turn on my heels and disappear from sight with a soft pop, before reappearing at a lighthouse in the middle of the bloody ocean. Not even bothering with knocking, I mean why would I it's midnight and they are obviously trying to evade the Wizarding World, I draw my wand and cast an "Alohomora" and walking into the rundown building. The first thing to catch my eyes is a bear-oh god it's a child, please don't be Harry- and a small lump on the floor wearing threadbare rags as clothes. Footsteps descend the stairs and I am standing face to face with Petunia and Vernon Dursley. The fat oaf right off the back begins yelling profanities effectively waking the two children... as one runs toward Petunia I finally catch a glimpse of the little lump that was on the floor and my breath hitches. Flicking my wrist the family of three is stunned and laying on the floor, I approach the smallest boy and nearly cry- get it together dungeon bats don't cry Severus.
Before speaking I just stare at the boy, his hair is an unruly mess much like his fathers, however instead of being of the deepest brown it is a deep red like a fire, so like his mothers. His facial features look like Lily as well, except his eyes in which one is a beautiful brown while the other is a jaded green. Snapping out of my trance I bend down to my best friends son and introduce myself, "Hello Harry, my name is Professor Severus Snape. I am from Hogwarts School if Witchcraft and Wizardry and I have come to bring you to gather your school supplies." His bright eyes widen and a look of pure hope washes over his face. "Sir, what is Hogwarts... does this mean I get to read my letter?! Oh and sir I go by James not Harry." He was nearly bouncing with energy, but the last thing he said caused a lone tear to make its way down my face as he called himself James.
"Of course my apologies James, as for Hogwarts, it is a school where special boys and girls go to learn how to control their magic and be with those of their own kind. You my dear James are a wizard just like your father and mother. As for your letter, I have it right here, come see." I scooped the young child up into my arms and set him on my lap-okay so I wouldn't pick up other children and set them on my lap, but this is my best friends son and in another life I would have been his uncle-the reasonable one mind you- as I picked him up I couldn't help but notice how light he was... or how small he was, this couldn't be good. There is a difference between being small for ones age and not weighing more than a teddy bear. I just watched as he read over his letter

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