w e ʾ m e e tʾ a g a i n ʾ

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"Jennie!" Rosé called out as she grabbed Jennie's wrist.

Jennie turned around slowly, knowing the feeling of that familiar tingling sensation whenever she made physical contact with Chaeyoung.

But what was Chaeyoung doing here? Right when Jennie was about to close the coffee shop for the day?

Jennie softly raised her eyebrows as a response, not being able to tear her own eyes away from Chaeyoung's; those dark orbs that were in their own way, amazing to Jennie. Sure, dark brown eyes are common and boring, but not to Jennie, no.

She could spend all day looking at Chaeyoung's eyes, because they held something other than just color. They held a special sparkle, a special, unique addition that belonged to Chaeyoung only. It was so hard to explain in words, but she felt it. She felt the special spark, that she only felt while looking into Chaeyoung's eyes.

"I- do you have time to possibly stay? Just a little longer?"

Jennie did have somewhere to be. In fact, she was already late, but she pushed all of that to the back of her mind.

Those things didn't matter, but Park Chaeyoung did.

"I'll stay for you." Jennie gave Rosé a small smile, where Rosé returned the smile.

They sat at the little booth they sat at before the whole mess with Tristan had started, while Jennie brought out the vanilla cake and the sweet, small coffee she knew Chaeyoung loved.

"Thank you," Chaeyoung quietly said while taking a small sip, closing her eyes and taking in the hot, soothing sweetness, that only Jennie could put into a coffee.

As Chaeyoung put the cup down, she sighed, and smiled.

"I, I've.. I'm sorry." Rosé didn't know it would be this hard looking at Jennie again.

Chaeyoung knew she had hurt Jennie, although she felt terribly guilty for the past month and wanted nothing more than to speak to Jennie again, and if that wasn't possible, at least just look at Jennie again.

"It's okay, take your time. I understand it's hard, but if you feel bad in any way, don't. It's not your fault you fell in love with him."

Jennie reached out to give Chaeyoung's hand a reassuring squeeze, and was relieved when Chaeyoung's hand felt relaxed under Jennie's.

"I never fell in love with him. Hell, I don't even know what love is. He was a terrible man, I don't know why I didn't see that before. I.. I'm sorry, Jennie. I truly am. It must've pained you for me to walk away so suddenly, and it was, it was just foolish of me. Of all the memories we've already made, it pained me a little too, it just took me longer to realize, and I'm sorry for that, I'm sorry.."

Chaeyoung was softly crying, tears and tears on her soft face, with that guilt still crushing her heart.

Jennie moved to sit next to Rosé, and gently wiped Chaeyoung's tears.

Jennie was hurt, she did go through a lot of pain, but she had to stay strong for Chaeyoung. Of all things, it pained Jennie more to see Rosé crying, to hear that her heart too, was crushed.

"Park Chaeyoung, Rosé, it's okay. It hurts me more to see you like this. I understand it was a mistake, and you were right, I was in pain, but that's okay. We all go through pain some way or the other. Otherwise, what is life, right?"

Chaeyoung lay her head on Jennie's shoulder as it suddenly started to sprinkle a bit of rain outside.

They both silently stayed like that for a while, staring out the window, raindrop after raindrop.

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