"Hi, can I have an y/n's special?" Y/n's special? You looked up and saw those cute doe eyes you missed so much.

"Mark!" You quickly walked around the counter and hugged him.

"Long time no see... you really left without saying a word, huh?" he said unamused.

"I am so sorry!" You hugged him tighter. "I've missed you so much."

"Me too. We need to talk, though." He said.

"Uh..." you looked back at your sister and she mouthed to take your time.

The apron that was once around your waist was now hung on the wall behind the counter as you moved with your friend to a table in the back if the cafe.

"So, how have you been?" He asked looking around.

"I've been great actually, been working here for three months now, it's not the magazine but it pays the bills." Barely.

"Y/n, what happened?" You knew he asked Jaehyun already. He texted you saying he didn't tell him anything.

"I just, I found Jaehyun with Haeun. I know he didn't cheat, but I couldn't trust him."

"Is it because Johnny cheated on you?" He asked, and you chuckled.

"Oh, Mark..." you exhaled bitterly. "There's more than just Johnny." You looked down and heard him hum in question. "I was once engaged. Before moving to California."

"Oh... did he?"

"Cheat? I think. He broke off the engagement because there was someone else."

Someone else... there seemed to always be someone else, you were never enough. You were never enough for any of your partners and you came to believe so yourself. You were never going to be enough, especially not for Jaehyun.

"I'm leaving you, y/n." He said, your world crumbling down as you heard those words.

"What do you mean? We are engaged!" You argued.

"I don't love you anymore. I found someone else." He said coldly, refusing to look at you in the eye.

"Doyoung. Look at me and tell me you don't love me."

Your fiancé turned to you, his face expressionless as he stared into your eyes.

"I don't love you anymore." He said.

"Okay." You whispered and took the silver ring off your finger, placing it on the space between you and him.

"You can keep our house." He said, and you scoffed. "I am sorry."

"No, you're not." You got up and ran home, the man who you thought loved you had just broken your heart—cause there was someone else.

"I'm sorry." He reached for your hand.

"It's okay, I need some time to myself, so I can sort things out before I can be with Jaehyun."

"You really like him, don't you?"

"I do, it's a pity it took me so long to realize it."

"I mean, he was an asshole to you..." you laughed. "And I told him! 'You should tell her. Be nice to her.' But nobody listens to me. Not even you."

"Did you really come all the way from LA to scold me?"

"No, I came to visit my best friend."

"Oh! They live here?" You asked.

"I'm talking about you." He smiled. "Can you please come back?"

"Ah, no Mark. I'm not ready yet." He groaned.

"Stay with me! You don't have to see Jaehyun..." he proposed.

"Mark, don't you live with Johnny?"

"Not anymore..." he said. "He fought with Jaehyun again. Jaehyun had to get stitches."

"What? When?" you asked.

"Like, a week after you left." He started. "He came by your apartment again, sober this time, and they fought."

You gulped and looked down, an ache in your chest was starting to form.

"I came looking for you too and I stopped them before it got worse."

"I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault, y/n." he grabbed your hand once more. "But you should really come back, I miss you, and Jaehyun goes to my house everyday... I am tired of him whining." You laughed.

"Mark, I can't. not yet."

You heard the door open but paid no mind till you heard your sister talk.

"No, don't!" your sister said and reached over the counter.

"Y/n?" you turned around and your heart sunk to your feet. He was as beautiful as ever.


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