C h a p t e r 1

488 9 4

*Your Pov*

I walked into the youth club. It was my first time being there, it was basically a place for "depressed" teens to go.They mainly focused on stuff like art and music. I didn't really know what to expect but I wasn't looking forward to it.

I walked in to see a circle of people that seemed to going around talking about there problems I guess . I took a seat in the circle and scanned the room . Everyone looked pretty basic, just hoodies and jeans all black . 

One guy did catch my attention, one because he had a red beanie on which stuck out from all the black, and two because hes been staring at me the whole time. Not in a bad way of course .All of a sudden he smiled at me then waving his hand at me to try get me attention pointing to the counsellor .I realized the counsellor had been calling at me .

y/n : Oh uhm sorry  sir

Tom: Oh call me tom anyways , welcome to the youth club,why don't you tell us about yourself?

Y/n: Ehm....theres not much to know

I could see the guy I had been staring at earlier seemed intrigued 

Y/n : I just moved here and im 16...

I looked at Tom in desperation hoping that was enough because I didn't really have much else to say that I wanted to talk about at least. The guy seemed unsatisfied with my answer he adjusted himself from sitting on the edge of his seat to a more relaxed position .

Tom: Tyler would you by any chance want to share what you have been working on

The guy well Tyler I guess sat up a little and shook his head . The girl next to me tapped me on the shoulder and whispered "He don't talk much apparently he's amazing at music but nobody has ever seen him do shit but that doesn't stop Tom brining it up everyday"

I thought to myself , well at least I know who's the gossip girl of the group. Tom separated us into groups of two  .There was going to be a play of some sort to help us with our confidence that you could see not many people were looking forward to . I was put into Tyler's group and the eye contact started again we both looked at each other for awhile as weird as it sounds we both let out a bit of a smile every now and then 

Until I tripped over one of the ropes falling onto the floor. We had been testing lights and stuff just trying too see how stuff works backstage while everyone else was on stage . Tyler ran over and helped me up 

Y/n  : ehm thanks , Tyler is it?

Tyler: yeah , nice to meet you

He smiles whole he holds out his hand for me to shake it he then pulls it back in thinking it was kinda stupid . I smile back and grab his hand and shake it

Y/n : nice to meet you

I say giggling , he laughs too and rubs the back of his neck

"So when did you move here"he asks "last weekish "I say "oh so your gonna be new to the school too?"he questions "Yeah , wait did you just move here too" I ask "No no no , iv been here all my life but I was home schooled until now"

Authors note :

Do we like? comment if I should make more xoxo

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