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~First show of the tour~

"Alright (Y/N)" Tobias called out "just do mic check for Ville's microphone then you can take a break for now."

I gave a thumbs up in response then did what I was told.
"Check one two, check, check."

The sound guys fixed the volume just a tad bit and then the microphone was at the correct volume.

After I did my sound check duties I decided I'd go have a cigarette break.

As I had stepped off the stage and turned the corner to enter the backstage I bumped into somebody.

"Oh, sorry." I apologized but the dude looked at me for a second with a blank expression as if he was observing me, then he had the expression as if saying "watch where you're going." Then walked passed me.

"Geez" I thought to myself and proceeded to walk towards the exit of the building.

Ville Valo Hates MeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang