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The unknown boy.

I swallowed hardly and looked down. Just keep going, Riley.

A few seconds later I felt the all too familiar grip on my upper arm. I knew it was him. With all my strength I tried to shake it off.

"Go across the street and wait for me," the dark-eyed boy went to his car, "I just have to park my car." With these words I heard the car door slam shut. Slowly and still shocked I walked across the street, I realized how heavy my legs were.

And how much blood I lost. And that I just saw the criminal again. And he isn't recognized outside. Why?

"Riley," again he grabbed my arm.

I looked up into the face of the beautiful boy. Only now did I see how beautiful he was, before that it was so dark outside ..

"Riley, what happened," he flicked his right hand in front of my face. "Nothing", I looked down again, a little ashamed, but also a bit angry.

But not on him. No.

The boy lifted my chin and looked at me, "Why did you bled ... who did this to you?" With his index finger, he stroked from my chin to my collarbone.

"D-de-destin-destiny," I sobbed. God Riley, reassure you Drama Queen.

But let me tell you, I am everything, but not a drama queen.

"Who is Destiny, is she going to your school?", His words were reassuring but also stern. Funny that he was so interested in it. I was silent.

"All right, come on, we'll go and wash the blood," he reached for my wrist and looked at it. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw him grinning. What was wrong with him?

Then he looked at me, but turned away quickly and slowly walked me to his car.

His car was a relatively old car. A car my father would kill for. Oldtimers were always his thing. I smirked slightly.

The dark-haired boy opened the car door for me.

Wait. What the hell. I don't know him. Stop Riley. Stop. Please. Please, you will regret it. But no.

The unsuspecting Riley followed the dark-haired unknown boy.

After climbing into the Criminal's classic car, we arrived at a home, which was outside the city, after a time. His house?

"Get out," his stern voice made me jump. I opened the car door and looked to the house.

"I won't kill you ... I guess," he was already standing next to me when he said that.

Nervously, I bit my lip and looked at him. "Destiny has already done enough", he winked at me and walked to the front door. "What's wrong with you?" I mumbled annoyed and followed him. A low chuckle came from him as he opened the door.

Curious, I looked over his shoulder. I was afraid. He could do the same to me as the last victim. Riley, did you forget he was a criminal? Idiot.

But, let me tell you, if you would look into those coffee-colored eyes, the tender freckles on his strong cheekbones and the full lips, you would have followed him no matter who he was.

So I followed him, a little hesitantly, but I followed him.

When he finally unlocked the door, he looked over his shoulder at me, then back to the door and pushed it open. His walk was casual as he walked through the door.

Slowly, I followed him. "Okay .. I think the kitchen was ... there", he turned and looked around. Wasn't that his apartment?

Impatient and a bit nervous, I ran my left hand through my hair: "Don't you know where your own kitchen is?"

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