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While listening to music, I went to the next room where I had biology. I sat down in my seat, which was at the very back. I yawned and put my phone away while watching my classmates.

"hey stalker", I heard. I turned my head slightly and saw Drew. Drew was a pretty good friend of mine. She recently moved from Brazil to Vancouver, so here. I smiled tenderly and nodded, "Hey Drew." She dropped to her chair next to me and sighed, "Biology hm." I nodded again and tilted my head slightly. "Not so chatty today," she grimaced, rummaging through her collage block next to her case. I smirked: "Tired." In that moment, "the keen teacher on earth" as Drew used to call him, came to class. Drew sat up and grinned. "Mr. Henderson, marry me", I imitated Drew and giggled. "Oh god," she laughed again and looked at me. I frowned and grinned. The lesson started and she was as usual. Drew kept staring at Mr. Hottie as I gazed dreamily out of the window or judiciously did my job.

When Drew and I left the room, we hugged each other because I ended earlier than she did. "This is Unfair! I still have physics with Mr. Gondrich and you can dawdle home," she sighed and made a sour expression. I shrugged, "Have fun." As I slowly walked to the exit, I winked at her once more. She raised her middle finger, but then went on to their next lesson.

On the way home, I heard music again. The sky was overcast and it was about 10 degrees. I have always liked such weather. I let out a sigh and walked on.

Arriving home, I threw my backpack on the couch in the living room and went to the kitchen to make me cereal. My mother was always late and my dad ... he was probably in the garage again.

With my cereal, I went into the living room and lay down on the couch. Bored, I watched what was going on in the TV until I stopped at a broadcast announcement.

"Today at 9:00 am, a middle-aged boy was found in the playground with critical injuries, claiming that a young man had attacked him, he couldn't tell us why, but if you have seen a man with curly dark hair, one scrawny body and deep brown eyes, please call ***** immediately Thank you for your help. "

I sat up and turned off the TV because I heard the front door open. "Riley?" I heard my father call. "Yes, I'm here! In the living room," I shouted, shoving another spoonful of my cereal into my mouth. He leaned in the doorway and looked at me: "You've slept in class again?" I looked at him and nodded slowly. "Riley," he put his hand on his face and sighed, "the third time this week." "Y-yes I know", I mumbled softly, "It will not happen again." "Did not you say that last week?" He raised an eyebrow. I smiled: "Yes, but-" He cut me off: "No buts." "Will I be punished now?", I was pretty annoyed from now on. "Where's your cereal?" He grinned. "W-", I looked at my cereal bowl then back to him. "No more cereal, the whole month," he stifled his laugh. "NOT MY CEREAL !!" I said sarcastically. He shook his head laughing and went to the kitchen. I looked after him and bit my lower lip. "Riley, can you do me a favor?" I heard from the kitchen just as I finished my cereal, "Can you go to the supermarket today?" I got up and went to the kitchen. "Yes, what do you need?", I put my bowl listless in the sink. "Here," he handed me a small list and closed his mouth, "Take my purse. It's on the kitchen table." I nodded, did what he said and left the house.

It was getting dark, so I went a little faster and soon reached the supermarket.

When I entered the supermarket, I quickly went to get the things I needed. I was done pretty quickly and went to the cash register. I noticed how damn depressive cashiers looked. I felt sorry for them. Lustless she pushed my things over the laser and told me what I had to pay. After I finished, I went out.

"Shit", it was really dark. I looked up to the sky and sighed. I could take the shortcut, I thought to myself. I did that too. Slowly I started and became faster and faster. Until I stopped at an alley where I had to turn. Actually. Looking closer, I saw two shapes that I identified as two guys. One struck at the other. I looked a little longer and I saw two shapes that I identified as two guys. One struck at the other. I looked a little longer and slowly began to shake. "Where is my money, hm?" I heard from the man who beat the other one, who suddenly looked in my direction. "Damn," he cursed. I was so close that I even heard it. I started to go the other way and tried not to look conspicuous. "Hey you," I heard behind me. I went on and ignored him.

Shit, shit, shit. Why did not I just go the normal way. Why did I have to stare like that? Why was I so curious? Bloody hell. I'm so stupid oh god.

"Stop," I heard. I went on, a little faster. "I said STOP", someone grabbed my shoulder and pulled me back and at the same time I turned to the unknown person. I looked shocked into the perfect face of the person standing right in front of me, a few centimeters from my body. "Yes," I murmured, "I .. I .." He reached for my wrist and breathed heavily. His deep brown curly hair hung in his face. "You'll regret it," he stared into my eyes with his dark brown eyes. "W-what," my voice was barely heard. "The next time you do not stare like that anymore," he whispered softly and grinned. "Excuse me?" I said a little louder. His hand slid down my arm and stopped at my shoulder. He grinned again and pulled me away. "Where the hell-" he cut me off. "Shut up," his grip was firm and controlled. He pulled me, just, with, himself.

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