Chapter 29

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"Soo, I can't go on that," Jongin complained, eyeing the large swinging dragon boat. He flinched as if he was burnt when the people currently on the ride screamed and threw their arms up.

Maybe it was a mistake to come to the amusement park, Jongin thought to himself as he spun in a full circle, only to be met with rides everywhere he turned.

Kyungsoo had wanted to go to the amusement park, saying that staying at home would be too boring and they needed to get out more. Plus, Kyungsoo wanted to show off his engagement ring, to which Jongin raised an eyebrow because, "Who would look down at your hand, Soo?" He had received a really hard slap on the shoulder for that.

The sun was glowing brightly, beating down on the land and warming it a little despite the chilly wind that blew threw the trees. The amusement park was filled to the brim with people—it was, of course, Saturday, which was the day the amusement park was the busiest. Everyone was dressed in scarves and coats, huddling in the fabric to keep their faces warm. It was the last week before the amusement park closed for the winter, so it was bustling with life.

Kyungsoo pulled the scarf tighter around his neck to keep it warm, and he huddled into Jongin's side. "Stop whining," he said, his voice slightly muffled under the scarf. "You agreed to come here with me, so I'm dragging you to every ride there is here."

Jongin sighed and got in line for the giant swinging dragon boat, gulping as he watched the boat swing back and forth, each time going higher and higher. "I can't believe I let you bring me here. I'm going to die today."

Rolling his eyes at his childish fiancé, Kyungsoo linked arms with Jongin and patted his shoulder comfortingly as the ride came to a stop and the riders exited the ride one by one. The line-up for the ride got shorter as the people filed onto the ride. When Jongin stepped onto the ride, he immediately stuck himself to Kyungsoo's side.

Kyungsoo pointed at the bar that was lifted up above them. "Pull that down so you don't fall off the ride." The thought of falling off the ride had Jongin scrambling to pull it down. There was no way he was dying today.

A worker came around to make sure everyone had the bar on properly. She laughed when she saw the death grip Jongin had on the bar. "You'll be fine if you just hold onto the bar, sir." Jongin didn't understand how she could say that even after seeing how white his hands were getting from his iron grip.

"Hey, Soo," Jongin said, "I'm holding onto you. Just a warning."

The ride lurched forward as it got started, and Jongin gasped and grabbed Kyungsoo's bicep. "It's moving, Kyungsoo, it's moving."

The boat slowly lifted off the ground and swung forward, and then backwards, going higher and higher as it swung. Each time the boat dropped and rocked forward, Jongin's grip on Kyungsoo's arm tightened.

No one could blame him, though. His parents rarely took him to amusement parks when he was younger, so he never got to go on such rides. It seemed to be the opposite for Kyungsoo. Despite never getting the chance to go to an amusement park with his parents, he was eager to go on every ride there was at the park.

All of a sudden, the ride swung up, the front almost touching the clouds, and the riders all threw up their arms and screamed at the thrill of feeling their stomachs drop with the ride. Along with the other riders, Kyungsoo threw up his available arm and cried out in joy. Someone let out a shrill scream, and it took Jongin awhile to realize it was him who had let out the noise. He never knew he was capable of making such a noise until now. He buried his face in Kyungsoo's arm.

He thought he was going to die. His eyes were clenched shut as he prayed to the gods that he wouldn't fall off the ride and die. He was going to crack his skull open and it would split completely in half. He would never  live to get married or see his future children or grandchildren.

Remember Me (Kaisoo Fanfic) (Sequel to I'll Still Love You)Where stories live. Discover now