"I love you more, baby."

She knew now a days he was getting obsessed to imitate his father and this was another one of his crazy antics to achieve the same. She wondered what twists he would add to this plan to shock Arnav?

Knowing him she knew he must have had something up his sleeves. She just have to wait and watch how would he unravel it.

"Get ready Arnav ji our Junior ASR is upto another mischief. Again." She whispered fondly.

Ab apki khair nahi!

(Nothing could save you now)


A few days later in the morning Arush woke up quite early and jumped out of his bed straight to his parents room with extra enthusiasm. His room was right next to them and there was a door which directly opened into either's rooms.

He ran in through the same door pushing it open with a wide smile on his lips when it slipped off seeing his parents sleeping hugging each other.

Big fat tears formed in his eyes and in the next moment his wails filled the air jolting Khushi and Arnav up from their sleep.

Seeing that it was Arush crying they leaped out of the bed and rushed to him worriedly.

"Bachcha, are you hurt somewhere?" Khushi frantically searched him while Arnav brought the glass of water and made him drink.

Arush sniffled. Khushi wiped his face, his nose with her own eyes tearing up. Seeing which Arnav frowned. If it continued mother-son duo would soon be having the crying competition. So he carried Arush up in his arms and walked to sit on the bed with his son on his lap. Khushi followed whilst her vision blurred with tears.

"Tell us what's the matter little one or your Maa is gonna cry too. Do you want that?" Arnav cupped the side of his cheek. Arush looked at his Maa and seeing that his father was right he quickly wiped his face sobering up. Just like Arnav he couldn't see tears in her eyes either. Like father like son.

"Maa Papa hug each other while sleeping but they don't hug me when I am." Arush pouted complaining dissolving all the tension in the air.

Arnav half smiled while Khushi heaved a sigh of relief finding that it was nothing serious. Arnav smirked at Khushi who was formulating words in her mind to explain it to their son because she has seen the look on Arnav's face. He won't say anything because he wanted her to explain.

"Bachcha, we do hug you. In fact we stay with you until you don't sleep. That you already know don't you?" Khushi cupped the side of his cheek caressing his face. He nodded. Khushi wiped the tear stuck at the corner of his eyes.

"When you sleep me and your Papa give you a tight group hug before coming to our room." Khushi winked. Arush blinked his eyes at her whilst his face brightened up.


Khushi nodded with a smile leaning in to kiss his cheeks. Arush returned the kisses shifting to her lap. Arnav heaved a sigh of relief seeing his two most important people in his life back to their usual self. He don't know what he would do if one day he won't see them this happy and content. He probably would go insane because Khushi and Arush were the 'lifeline' of his life and happiness.

Arush grinned happily satisfied now.

"By the way little one." Arnav addressed him. Arush who was giggling as Khushi was tickling him turned to look at his father.

Junior ASR imitating his fatherWhere stories live. Discover now