Chapter 9

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I can't believe that Nick Mara came back, after what he did to Brandon and me. He would not be let off the hook like that. "Nick what are you doing here?" Brandon asked. Also, a little side note, me and Brandon are still not together. But we are really good friends. Like REALLY good friends! Whenever we're alone, I get really nervous and red and he sees that so he decides to flirt with me!!

"I'm here to apologize. These past few weeks just wasn't the same without you guys! Brandon I'm sorry for jumping you. I was in my feelings and I didn't mean to put it out on you." When I looked over to Brandon, he looked sorta pissed. Hell I was pissed! I didn't believe one thing that Mara was saying! It's either he's moved on and got a boyfriend or he's playing "kill them with kindness".

Right when I was about to say something, I heard banging on the walls. And moaning! Also grunts and groans. "Are-are they doing it? Right now? At a time like this? You've gotta he kidding me!!!" Brandon said! He was so cute when he was pissed! "Anyways, I decided I want to be apart of the band again. I just don't feel whole! Oh yea and Edwin, I moved on!" Nick said with a smile on his face.

"So your completely over him?" I said. "Yup! You can have him if you want." Okay now I'm HELLA confused. Nick just said that I can have Brandon. Just like that? I mean okay!! "Wait what do you mean him?" Brandon asked. "Oh I forgot to tell you, Nick is bi and I'm gay!" I said. "Oh, well I'm..." Please don't say straight. Please don't say straight. "Gay too!" YESSSS!! Now I can finally shoot my shot.

Nick, Brandon and I walked over to the couch and plopped down on it. "Ahhhh, I miss this couch." Nick said rubbing it.  "I'm sure you do." I said giggling. "So Brandon have you made any music yet?" Nick asked. "Well, I am working on this one beat, but I don't know how I feel about it." Brandon said while rubbing his neck. He does that whenever he's nervous or not sure about something.

"Well let's hear it! Your beats are always fire." I said, smiling at him. Brandon was blushing. "Okay if you insist." Brandon said while walking to his room to get his laptop.

"So you and Brandon." Nick said while he waited for Brandon to leave the room. "Yea, what about us?" I said nervously. "Are you guys a thing or you didn't grow enough balls to tell him how you feel?" Nick said. Damn, way to drop my self esteem. "No, I haven't told him how I felt. But it's not like I don't want to! I actually WANT to! I just feel like he'll reject me, just like all my other crushes have." I said.

It's true! All my crushes were either straight or had boyfriends. "Well you gotta tell him how you feel! It's either now or never!! Soon Brandon will have a boyfriend that's not gonna be Edwin Honoret! So shoot your shot before it's too late." Wow, that might be the nicest thing Nick ever said to me. He's changed over the past few weeks.

Me and Nick we're talking when Brandon came down with his laptop. Then he sat down on the couch next to me. "So it's not finished but I don't know how I feel about it." When Brandon pressed play, this hard beat came on. It was so good!! "Brandon you gotta finish this! It's so good!!" I was trying so hard to raise up his self esteem but he just denied.

"Well since you don't like the beat, I'll finish it. But first I need food. Anyone wanna join?" I said getting up. "Sure! Can we get In and Out? I've been craving that for so long!" Nick said. "I guess I'll come too! Lemme just ask Austin and Zion if they wanna come." Brandon said.

"Way ahead of you!" Zion said coming down the stairs with Austin. When I saw Austin coming down the stairs, he was limping a little bit. I guess Zion did him GOOD. "Okay so I guess we're all going. Let's RIDE!" I said grabbing the car keys. On the outside I might seem like I was having a good time, but on the inside I was a nervous wreck! Brandon was literally sitting next to me! I just hope I don't slip up at In and Out.


Okay! Sorry for the hella late update but my mom found out about Wattpad and she banned me from it🙄🙄 but at least I gave y'all chapter nine right??

PRETTYMUCH a gay love storyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora