Britt: (walking to him) What

Roc: Oh so I don’t get an I love u or a kiss

Britt: (kissing his lips) Sorry boo, u can get more if u get me what I want for my bday (winking at him, walking out the door) love u

An hour later with all the girls getting their hair & nails done

Bee: What restaurant are we going to tonight

Britt: I don’t know Roc didn’t tell, but I told him no where fancy cause I’m not dressing up

Cici: (laughing) I know I will save that for another time, but I know where we going but it’s a surprise

Britt: Man Cici u a trader u suppose to be on my side

Cici: I ain’t on nobody side I’m just not spoiling the surprise

Jazzy: Me either cause Ray told me where we going but not to say anything

Britt: Ya’ll hoes is whack & Bee who u fooling I know yo punk ass know too

Bee: (laughing) Nope, I’m lying I do I just wanted to act like I didn’t

Jazzy: What time are suppose to be leaving

Cici: Prince told me by 7:30

Britt: Yea that’s what Roc said, but Roc said he got us all a hotel room for the week just to chill

Bee: I know I gotta go back home & get my clothes

Jazzy & Cici: Me too

Jazzy: I gotta stop by Ray’s mom’s house to cause dumbass grabbed the wrong bag this morning

Cici: Why can’t he go back & drop it off

Jazzy: He claim he had something to do, but I don’t know

Bee: I think the boys had a meeting today cause I heard Prod on the phone this morning with Walter

Britt: Oh hell naw I know that Honey bitch better not be there

Cici: (laughing) I heard she quit them or Keisha fired her cause the situation with Roc

Britt: Good cause I was gone go up there & whoop her ass

Jazzy: I feel u, but anyways what we doing tomorrow cause my kids staying with Mama Keisha til Sunday

Cici: Mine staying with my mama til then too cause I need a break from their spoiled asses

Bee: (shaking her head) Some type of mothers yall are

Britt: (laughing) Bitch shut cause mommy told me she was gone have Baby Craig til Sunday too, & Brea is with deadbeats aunts but we going to that new club Evolutions tomorrow night & get a VIP suite

Jazzy: Oh I heard that shit be rocking

Cici: Me too but u know they got stripper there 

Bee: All hell naw, the boys can’t go then

Britt: Roc already said they were but I swear if any of them hoes try to mess with my man I’m fucking somebody up

Cici: Hell yea

Later around 5 o’clock

The girls are at the hotel getting ready for dinner, the boys are still not there but they said they will be their soon (girls outfit on side 1=Britt’s 2=Bee’s 3=Jazzy’s 4=Cici’s)

Bee: Why the fuck would Roc get a double room with only 4 beds

Cici: I know right, what if I planned on getting nasty with my hubbie while we were here, but I guess that’s out the door unless yall wanna watch (laughing)

LIVIN'  THE MINDLESS LIFE - MB STORY (RATED-R)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora