Six - Axel

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So ITMOU won the vote, however so many of you asked for both that I couldn't stop writing and a TB update should be out either later today or tomorrow 😂

I just, thank you all. You're such a source of motivation and I wouldn't be getting these chapters out nearly as often if it weren't for your support. 💗 So, while I'm forcing you to wait for the other one, here's this:

Axel's POV:

"I leave you alone for one hour, one fucking hour, with two of my most overprotective brothers to make sure you don't do anything stupid, and you still somehow manage to get trapped in an underground death maze with gang members and drug addicts!" Gabriel ranted as he paced back and forth, pulling at his hair. "Trouble, I knew it, shit! You're trouble. And you're grounded!" He spun and pointed a finger at her. "For-fucking-ever!"

I looked at the girl he was yelling at, once again finding my breath catching in my throat. No matter how often I snuck glances at her from the corner of my eye, her beauty caught me off guard every time. She was stunning.

Her bright green eyes sparkled even in the dim lighting down in this underground tunnel and her blonde hair cascaded behind her, reaching her shoulder blades in soft waves.

She was smiling innocently at Gabriel as if she didn't just almost get herself killed. As if she didn't just make one of the biggest drug busts the Academy has had in months. As if she didn't just catch Axton Celandro, nephew of the Charleston Blood Angels' gang leader.

Who was this girl?

North had sent a text to Dr Roberts that they'd found one of the Angels' labs and red-lined Gabriel who he knew had been with me on a mission closest of all his brothers to this location.

Immediately we abandoned the man we were tailing that I'd hoped Gabriel would be able to identify and we were here, saving North, Nathan, and the most outgoing little Russian I'd ever met from the fucking Blood Angels.

Marc was going to kick himself when he realised he'd missed this. But oh God, Raven, was going to shoot everyone else when he realised he'd missed this.

Finally the girl turned to face me, her lips curling up into a devilish grin. "Well hello there. I didn't see you before. I'm Sang." She introduced, a mischievous gleam in her green eyes.

My own eyes widened behind my glasses. No, surely not. The Sang? The Academy's own ghost bird? Phil's daughter?

Grinning at my obvious recognition and completely blocking out Gabriel's scandalised cries for ignoring him, she focussed on me completely.

She was shorter than me. That much was obvious, as the top of her head only reached my collarbone. And yet she held a confidence so fierce it felt as though we were eye level. I knew immediately that all the stories were true.

"Well, Gorgeous, it's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Axel, liaison to the Toma team." I smirked. Her eyebrows rose, head tilting fucking adorably. "Wanna get out of here, Axel? These guys are just interested in yelling at me at the moment so I'm gonna let them cool off, tucker themselves out." She spoke as if the three Blackbourne boys weren't in hearing range and throwing outraged looks at her.

"Sang baby what the fuck? You don't even know him!" North yelled and I hid my laugh behind a fake cough as she swung on her heels and faced him.

"And you didn't know me, West, yet you followed me down a tunnel after a man I was trailing based on a hunch." He stiffened and glared at her sound logic.

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