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Theseus barely fit into his twin-sized bed when he first laid down

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Theseus barely fit into his twin-sized bed when he first laid down. He had to cast Engorgio on it. On the first night he returned home, he rarely spoke to Ariel and Niya. On a daily basis, Ariel cooked them dinner and Niya prepared his bed.

Niya knew he needed to cope with his loss. He had the right to do so. Ariel sighed as she washed the dishes by hand. Her mind was elsewhere, thinking about the future for her son. Niya was sitting in the living room couch, reading the newspaper about Grindelwald.


She sighed as she folded the newspaper in half and snuggled closer to the blanket draped over her body. She had almost fallen asleep when Ariel called for her from the kitchen. Niya shoved the blanket aside and walked into the kitchen.


"Would you be a dear and give Theseus his dinner?" Ariel requested. "He's going to be even thinner than what he usually is if he doesn't eat."

Niya smiled reassuringly. "Of course."

She pulled out her wand and levitated the tray for food. As she walked to Theseus's room, the tray followed after her. She knocked on the door.

"Theseus, it's Niya. I've brought dinner."

There was shuffling from the other side of the door. He slowly opened the door, half his face peeking out. His eyes wandered to the floating tray of food behind her. He opened the door wider and moved aside to let her in. She smiled at him before walking over to the desk in his room. She placed it down on his desk before turning to face him.

"Feel better, Thee. You can leave the tray outside once you're finished."

She started walking out the door. A part of her hoped he would call out to her or grab her wrist, but he didn't. He wanted his privacy.

ORIGIN. ❪ Theseus Scamander ❫ ✓Where stories live. Discover now