A Flower Bud Blooms Within The Gloom

Start from the beginning

He gave a trembling shake of his head. You frowned at him and insisted one more time inviting him in. His forehead trickled in sweat, dead eyes now twitching around too flustered to make eye contact with you, his already hunched back now more crippled and defensive. You rolled your eyes and blew a raspberry at his behavior.

"Oh suck it up Ichimacchan, we've held hands before. I'm sure sitting down next to each other would even faze you."

"..It's not....easy.."

You sighed again deciding not to pressure the NEET anymore or the poor thing might take a sh*t right by your flower bushes. Although they do seem to need some 'food' lately... Ichimatsu on the other hand was sweating his balls out. Sure he somehow was able to hold hands with a like-able person as yourself but that's because YOU held his and it was YOU who had been flirtatious towards him. All he ever did was swallow his screams and kept tense around you. He couldn't say no (or more like he didn't want to say no) since this was once in a life time opportunity for him to (somewhat) be close to such an attractive being. His ears perked in listening your voice sigh out along with shuffling of flip flops to eventually feel your rough hands on his cheeks where he snorted loudly in shock and fear. How could someone be so bold and comfortable to handle such sewage as himself? You surprised him yet again with a peck on his quivering lips, this time letting him go to enjoy the mini show of a NEET freaking over a simple kiss.

What a loser.

And so were you.

Your cheeks were lighlty flushed unlike the poor bastard who was sizzling in fluster.



He only gurgled defensively as he felt his insides squeeze out all his nerves and sins onto the flower bushes in your small front yard.

"You complain about a kiss when right now you're basically almost letting me see your dic—"

His pained shriek cut you off as he finished his business and quickly tried to cover his front almost tripping to fall backwards into his own filth. Most people would probably be disgusted at this scene but you honestly didn't judge others as much when there was no harm done. Besides, Ichimatsu was doing his good deed by helping fertilize your garden more, to help them bloom.

That was kind charity in your opinion.


Yeah you're weird too huh?

"Here, you know where the bathroom is."

You casually dragged yourself to the front door and unlocked it much to the NEET's gratitude as he zipped past you into the near bathroom built in the main floor of your abode. You looked back to see if you had taken anything of importance with you outside and finding none you simply locked the door behind you and made way to the kitchen to prep the remaining amount of tea you brewed for the emo Matsuno. Surprisingly quick Ichimatsu emerged from the bathroom smelling and feeling clean, your eyes noticing his wet hair before you focused back into the sandwich you decided to make for him.

"Took a shower? Could've cleaned your clothes while you did so."


Ichimatsu stiffly made his way near you and intently watched you make sandwiches, still flushed and sweating (even if he just came out of a shower) after the cause of getting himself into this anxious mess. You finished making one sandwich and threw it onto his face where the Matsuno triggered his feline instincts to flail his arms around to prevent the sandwich fall and hissed.

"Can you...not do that again.."

"Sure darling."

Ichimatsu instantly turned red and died in the inside, quaking like a lone leaf in the winter winds and hiccuping in protest but unable to really say anything against you. Because hey, he absolutely adored the attention from you. He calmed down slightly as he silently bit down on the sandwich and hummed in delight while still doing his best to compose himself. He took his time in building up the courage to finally ask you seriously.

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