A Day For Family (P4)

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Let Loose, One more

Quick pattering of feet passed through a crowd being careful not to trip over themselves or attract unwanted attention in the attempt to flee to safety.
A triangular frown huffed out in rhythm as the NEET carrying bags of merch did his best to scurry away from the setting, his eyes flickering every which way to find some sort of hideout. He knew those hounds were sniffing him out and for whatever reason, he didn't care. Too afraid to care or calculate clear judgements he instead kept speed walking away and dipping into every random crowded corner to blend himself with the background and lose any potential clues as to where he might be.

"Chorofapski would've been in there most of the time, kind of a shock he ain't there."

"Perhaps he went to a clothing shop to try some trends~? I do have a few in mind that goes well with my looks~"




Osomatsu pouted as he fluttered his eyes shut to figure where the fappy could've gone. Jyushimatsu didn't really pay much attention and instead kept jittering and chanting over his favorite sport, Karamatsu tapping Jyushi's shoulder lightly to ease him down a bit.
Ichimatsu was mundane as usual but he inwardly admitted to himself that he felt a little disappointed. Sad even.
He puffed out a heavy sigh causing his shoulders to slump and hunch his back.
Osomatsu quickly noticed the grogginess of the fourth brother and stammered towards him, Ichimatsu squinting his eyes as if he would believe such a bullsh*t 'plan'.
Soon the brothers were arguing amongst themselves to find some sort of indication to locate the fapmatsu; Jyushimatsu tornado-ing around, Karamatsu being ignored as he monologued whatever crap he remembered while trying to dodge and not scream from Jyushimatsu, Ichimatsu flopped to the floor and began planking while Osomatsu was trying to get their attention by yelling and cursing at his younger pest of siblings. Eventually Osomatsu got them to listen but just as the Universe decided to be extra kind for Ichimatsu this one day, The four brothers in unison snapped their attention to a feminine yelp only to have their eyes go blank as they screeched in disbelief and jealousy.

While they had argued and done nothing, Choromatsu sadly somehow made a wrong turn that led him walk a full circle of the town and brought him back to where he noticed the other matsunos lurked by where he recently bought his merch. Inwardly squeaking in fear Choromatsu tried to sneak away only to accidently bump into a woman who cried in suprise, the fappymatsu instinctively throwing the bags away to catch the maiden before she fell and injured herself.
Of course the poor green clad Matsuno fiercely blushed as his lips quivered, his hands shook and began to sweat, his poor heart drumming against his chest in a harsh rapid rhythm. His knees were wobbling and he had stiffened in knowing he held a girl for the first time.

Osomatsu and the other three basically saw as if Choromatsu had danced and dipped the girl in an almost tempting way to cue for a romantic kiss.

"I-I-I'm s-sorry! Ahn..."

With much caution (and robotic stiffness) Choromatsu gently helped the girl straighten herself onto her feet and immediately pulled himself away from her, visibly quaking and panting. The woman was kind as she accepted his apology and even gave one for him in return to which he shook his head maniacally as he was the one to blame and not her.
Once a peaceful compromise was met, the woman bid a shy farewell and finally disappeared from his sight.

Choromatsu sighed out painfully as a hand clutched over his chest, wrinkling his plaid shirt in the process.
A weird agonized moan escaped his throat and for a moment he would've fainted on the spot if it hadn't been for Osomatsu gripping his shirt and pulled him close for a menacing glare, spitting venom as he snarled at his virgin of a virgin little brother.

"As if yer gonna get away with that, Chorofapski."

Upon clearing his head from the heated blood rush Choromatsu gave a deadpan stare at the eldest and simply scoffed at him somewhat triumphant in seeing how envious the others felt all because he held and spoke to a cute lady first.
Osomatsu clearly enraged whistled loudly and before Choromatsu could even blink in question he was tackled by none other than Jyushimatsu as he voluntarily choked and twisted his brother's body with his infamous Octopus-hold. Choromatsu squealed so girlishly in pain that Karamatsu and Ichimatsu side glanced each other for a moment to decide telepathically together to join in torturing the third eldest.

At this point the crowd of bystanders simply watched in concern or confusion doing nothing but mind their own business. After a bit of rough horsing around the NEETs finally gave mercy and cackled at how pained and bruised the fappy brother cried and weakly glared at them. Having enough, Ichimatsu did his best to stop his chuckling and held out a hand to Choromatsu which he squinted his eyes in suspicion, he had a right to after what they've done to him after all.
Ichimatsu merely shook his head and kept his hand out simply wanting to actually help him onto his feet. Now this in turn confused Choromatsu and hesitantly received Ichimatsu's hand of aid and actually did help him up along with fixing his clothes as neatly as he could. Osomatsu piped in next to do his dusting job, Karamatsu ruffled his brother's hair to a surprisingly nice messy look only to have him style it neatly the way Choromatsu would have.
Jyushimatsu tapped his shoulder and as the third eldest turned around he saw that the deadly ray of sunshine had retrieved his merch bags and even told him that his stuff had no harm committed to them.

"Wh..why the hell are you all being creepy? Did someone die??? Wait am I dead??!"

The other four brothers broke into another fit of laughter at Chorofapski's reaction, only confusing the poor geek even more.
Osomatsu patted his brother's head gently and smiled to him as he did with his big brother charisma.

"Nah we're all still living. We just came by to get you to have some family fun time together!"

He smiled brightly. Karamatsu piped in as well.

"Don't worry buraza, I assure you we have no other abusive intentions. Ichimatsu's call on that one, heh~"

Choromatsu turned to Ichimatsu with a raised eyebrow to confirm this sudden kindness to which Ichimatsu flushed in embarrassment again and lowered his gaze nodding softly as he fidgeted awkwardly.

"Ichimatsu...being kind??? Are you sure no one died?"

Choromatsu smiled triangularly as the others now cackled smugly at the emo brother, teasing him at his sudden change of heart and Ichimatsu could only blush more as he hissed at them all in reply, menacingly glaring at them and with an icy shiver prickling their spines, they all decided it was best not to ruin the soft Ichimatsu in favor of their lives.

Ichimatsu ' tch-ed' and faced his back onto them as he crossed his arms and fumed in frustration.
The others sweat dropped at him and each smiled to one another.

He was such a tsundere.

Now that 5 Matsuno NEETs were gathered, the final boss came into play. The trickiest of all to find and the hardest to convince. Would they be able to find the pink devil in the remaining day or will the time tick away to night and in failure to have a complete family bonding?
They all did their best to come up with some sort of a concrete plan, thinking as logically, possibly, and seriously as they could muster at the very moment.
Ichimatsu took a quick glance at the still clear sky and furrowed his brows a bit. As much as he knew Totty not liking them to be near him in public, he really wished for today that it'll be an exception. His plan was surprisingly doing so well and he knew this good luck the Universe spoiled him would be well spent and cherished, knowing that after today, the depression and bad luck will soon slash back at him and suck the remaining life he had for eternity.
But for now, just for today, he thought positively.

Just for today.


And just for today will the Universe grant his prayer.

Oh-My-Matsuno!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora