A Day For Family (P2)

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The Eldest and The Sweetest of All

Skidded footsteps against the concreted flooring made way to the closest destination in targeting Osomatsu which is none other than the infamous Chibita's Oden Stand. Having thought the while he walked over, he perhaps could sneak in a beer from the midget to drown the anxiety of committing such an "unusual" behavior.
  Shaking his head lightly to regain focus of the task in hand soon enough Ichimatsu blinked in finally spotting the stand from afar, clenching his sweaty hands into fists as he shakily took in a breath and courageously sped up to see if he was able to identify a red and loud bastard.

  "C'mon Chibita, just this once! Y'know I'm yer favorite customer and only regular customer, I think I deserve some free stuff now and then right? Like some sort of specials!"


Ichimatsu at this point was a few meters away but near enough to hear Osomatsu shout his negotiations with the Oden midget, the nekomatsu fluttering his eyes shut as he shook his head and audibly sighed out in judgement. They really are turds of society huh?
  Having calmed down a bit, Ichimatsu wobbled closer towards the arguing couple where both Chibita and Osomatsu halted mid discussion as they sensed another being and snapped their attention to Ichimatsu, taken aback at how 'fresh' he smelled and how proper his posture was. Usually they saw this Matsu with a hunched back but Osomatsu clearly got the hint that something was up and that was enough to trigger his teasing nature.

  "Oh-ho-ho~? What's the fancy occasion this time Ichimacchan~? Planning to ask that cat out huh, gahaha!"

  A vein instantly popped on the younger Matsu's temple, visibly snarling at the stupid retort of his crappy older brother. With much more energy Ichimatsu unexpectedly suppressed his anger and with a growl replied with the following:

"N o. I'm. N o t...I came here for...uh...f-for erm-"

Well that sure smacked his short temperance away to only be betrayed with the feelings of embarrassment. After all he was about to confess to the oldest of him basically being too bored and lonely, something that Ichimatsu would rather die than admit such ridiculousness.
But here he was.
Admitting it.

With disgruntlement, The unluckiest of all tightened his grip and squinted straight into the eyes of the sextuplets' leader.

"I came..looking...for y-.....for you...niisan"



Osomatsu knew his brothers played dirty tricks and pranks against one another, despite wanting to convince himself that this is probably one of Ichimatsu's "sadistic" roleplay in pulling his niisan heart strings, the struggle of maintaining courage he saw within the glimmering eyes of one of his baby brothers too easily struck him otherwise.
Although he knew that the niisan card was played against him for the sole purpose of melting him to mush, unable to revert to his big brother teasing the eldest blinked and grunted as he looked away in slight embarrassment as well, sweat prickling at one of his flushed cheeks, pouting in defeat. He eyed over the still struggling baby brother for a few seconds more before Osomatsu audibly whined for him to stop the "puppy eyes."

Ichimatsu never knew what immense relief was until this very moment where he wheezed out all he could and slouched along from that relief almost getting light headed in the process. Osomatsu kept whining to Ichimatsu as he patted him to soon coo at him and ramble over the eldest joy of being loved and how 'thoughtful Ichimacchan' was being. The fourth simply stayed silent as he lazily glared at the eldest, grunting at him in warning to discontinue his crappy teasing.

Osomatsu chuckled smugly at the much more typical behavior of this particular brother, flipping his attention back to Chibita to 'put his free specials on hold' to which the midget replied with colorful phrases and sign language almost ripping the apron off and flinging piping hot chunks of Oden towards the two Matsuno pests.
The two brothers of course bolted away from the frightening midget, Osomatsu chuckling and reciprocating the love to Chibita while Ichimatsu was terrified yet confused as to why he was being bashed at.
He didn't even get to whiff the scrumptious food!

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