A Day For Family (END)

Start from the beginning



The eldest blanked out for a second in the familiarity of this gut churn sensation smiling wide as he finally had a lead. He asked the girl once more if the new restaurant would be a good choice for a date, the girl blushing lightly as she nodded in agreement then afterwards asked directions for it where she kindly searched the directions on her phone and wrote it down on his arm with a pen. (Perhaps her phone # too?) With that Osomatsu politely thanked the maiden and waved cheerily as she waved at him in return while walking away to disappear within the town. He skipped back to his brothers where their rage of envy switched to surprise at how their perverted brother behaved himself.


Ichimatsu blinked in question to him.

Osomatsu winked at his brothers and did his signature tick of rubbing a finger under his nose chuckling in triumph.

"I think I got a good feeling on this lead boys, even got the address! Shall we~?"

Hearing the confidence of their leader the rest of the brothers smirked in eager as they clenched their fists and yelped out in excitement, everyone already dragging themselves to wherever Osomatsu knew where Totty could be. Ichimatsu had never felt so excited in his life. Today will just be amazing, and a visible smile on his soft face expressed him truthfully.




"What a bitch!"

"Hah, you're one to talk!"

Todomatsu stood in the background while two women in front of him hissed at each other, the poor NEET internally terrified of his life and the fear of having his reputation between these two be possibly altered. He heard quite a juicy story they briefly shouted out for evidence to degrade the other and boy was Totty glad the perpetrator of causing this cat fight wasn't him. He was far too cute and sweet with women to even start such a vile event.


"Now now ladies, shouldn't w-we finish our date by ordering dinner..~?"

He did his best to maintain his cute and soft side but of course it only pissed the ladies even more and now all the frustration and curses were aimed at him. Fearing that soon they will lash out to him physically he immediately apologized where the women continued bickering to one another. If Totty hadn't dipped out in that one second, he would've seriously be caught in the gruesome female wrestling match, tip toeing away from the she-devils and out of the shopping outlet.

He sighed in defeat with slight annoyance. He was so close to getting them but they just couldn't maintain civility. They weren't that pretty anyways..

"Aahh what a waste! I'll just eat by myself, hmph!"

Pouting to himself he slumped his shoulders and waddled over to the very first restaurant his eyes rested upon, twinkling in light glee as it was quite a high ranked diner place. It might be a little expensive but he at least deserves a flavor-able meal after having his day ruined so horribly. Nothing apparently new huh?

Once Totty stepped into the decorated restaurant his breath was knocked out at how modern yet homely the atmosphere felt, groups of people enjoying their meals together, soloists soaking in pleasure at the preppy sensations around them and the restaurant in general had a fresh smell unlike any other place he's been to. One of the waiters politely led him to a corner booth just for him and took his order of beverage to leave the NEET to glance and think over the choices of meals on their menu. Not only was this place so exquisite but the prices were surprisingly affordable! This just might be his new go-to dating spot, the ladies will surely love this.

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