wisdom teeth - [g]

Start from the beginning

"Hey Y/N," Grayson said as they all pooled in, chuckling lightly at your state.

"Hey cutie," you blurted, giggling uncontrollably at absolutely nothing.

"Oh my God," Ethan said through a hefty laugh, pointing the camera at Grayson, who was just smiling as he watched you get distracted by your own fingers.

"Woah," you breathed in shock, now noticing Ethan standing to your far right.

You held your hand in front of your face, moving it around to ensure that you weren't seeing double.

"There's two of you!" you exclaimed, as if you had just discovered this for the first time.

"Well, I mean, we are twins," Grayson said, shoving his hands into the pockets of his sweatpants but not taking his eyes off you.

"You should know this by now Y/N," Ethan said, zooming the camera in on you.

"Hey, my brain feels like oatmeal, I can't remember a damn thing right now," you said, making everyone in the room laugh, even your mom.

You scrunched up your eyebrows and put your finger in your mouth to push a piece of gauze around, not remembering why it was there in the first place. You figured you didn't need it so you pinched it with your fingernails and started to pull it out before your mom stopped you.

"Honey, no, don't do that," your mom said gently, trying to coax your hand out of your mouth.

"I don't need it," you said bluntly, proceeding to spit both pieces of gauze out and onto your chest.

"Y/N!" Grayson shouted, taking the dirty gauze off you and searching for a place to put them.

"Sweetie, you need to keep those in your mouth," the nurse directed as she walked in to check on you. "We don't want your gums to get infected."

You nodded, listening to no one but the nurse. You calmed down as she cleaned out your mouth and stuffed new gauze in your cheeks.

Once you were all cleaned up, the nurse had your mom follow her to the front desk to fill out some paperwork, so you were left with the twins and the camera.

"Ugh I'm so hungry," you complained, overdramatically gripping at your stomach.

"Sorry but you can't eat for a while," Ethan informed you.

"I want french fries," you grumbled.

"We'll take you to get some once you're allowed to," Grayson promised with a smile.

"You promise?" you asked, grabbing at Grayson's sleeve.

Both the boys nodded and you lied back in your chair and sighed happily.

Ethan and Grayson both breathed a sigh of relief, thinking your nonsense was pretty much over with, but they spoke too soon.

"I wanna get out of this chair," you stated, struggling to even sit upright.

"Y/N you can't. You're too loopy," Ethan chuckled from behind the camera.

Regardless of how much the boys were telling you to stay in your chair, you hoisted yourself up so that your feet were touching the ground.

"Stay in your chair Y/N," Grayson instructed, trying to hold you down. "You're going to hurt yourself."

"Hey, I can do whatever I want. You're not my mom," you spat back.

You eventually got up out of your seat and weakly shoved Grayson away. The room felt like it was spinning and suddenly the floor started the tilt until you found yourself losing your balance and falling to the ground.

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