The Trip.

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You nervously fiddle with your fingers as you wait on the coach, students filling in the seats around you. 

You kept the space beside you clear as your boyfriend had instructed, he promised that his brother would make it but you have yet to see him. 

"Oh great, I've been ditched." 

A sigh leaving your lips as you begin to feel around in your school bag for your phone, might as well listen to some music on the journey there since your 'friend' isn't turning up.

It's only in this moment you notice a certain blonde step onto the bus, he has a blackeye though. You watch him as he quietly walks over before taking the seat next to you, his amber eyes still avoiding yours though.

He seems a little shy...

The engine soon starting as the driver attempts to pull out of the school gates, however upon being cut up by another car, the driver slams on the brakes to avoid a collision - this action causing the blonde beside you to spring forward, his face being plastered into the back of the seat before him. 


"O-Oh my God! Rosinante, are you okay?!" Your mother hen mode kicking in as you pull him back, he's red and has an embarrassed smile on his lips as he tries to wave you off but when you spot blood pouring from his nose, your concern only worsens. 

Oh, you poor thing!

"Here, lemme get that." Your voice soft as you reach into your bag and take out a packet of tissues, taking one out and pressing it to the blonde's nose gently. "Bless your heart, getting dragged on this trip then face-planting the chair, right? It's just not your day!" 

The boy doesn't seem like he's going to respond at first, his amber eyes just peering down at your hands as you try to clean the blood away. 

You notice him take out his phone before typing something on it but you take no notice, not until he holds the phone up to your face anyway. 

A message on the screen says: 'Don't worry, it happens a lot.'

He's a mute? Well, that explains a lot.

"What, face-planting chairs~?" You can't help the slight giggle in your tone, admittedly you had expected him to be referring to something else and that you just misunderstood but he then nods. 

'Face-planting everything, really.' He types next, a pale blush spreading across the blonde's cheeks as he glances off to the side, seemingly embarrassed by his confession before he types another message out for you. 'I'm a little clumsy sometimes.'  

"Ah, I see!" Another giggle leaving your lips as you point a finger toward your eye. "Is that how you got the shiner?" The look of discomfort on the boy's face doesn't go amiss before he shakes his head.

'No, that was my brother.' He types. 


"No kidding?" Your brows furrow as you reposition yourself in your seat, folding the bloody tissue to a clean side before pressing it to Rosinante's face once again. "Why did he do that?" 

You knew the guy was a player but he's usually so protective when it comes to his little brother, you had watched him threaten one of his own friends before when they referred to Rosinante as a 'loser'. 

But you're aware that with most siblings, they have a code; only they can bully their brothers and sisters, nobody else. It wouldn't surprise you much if Doffy follows this code also. 

'I'm sorry, I didn't wanna come today.' The blonde harbouring a nervous smile as he avoids your gaze, fidgeting a little in his seat before he adds to the message. 'It's not against you though, I'm just no good with new people.' 

"He hit you for that?" Your voice is so soft, you must sound like you're speaking to a toddler but you can't help it, the blonde beside you is simply adorable. Not to mention, you feel rather guilty that he had endured such treatment because of this trip and therefore - because of you.

The blonde shakes his head vigorously before beginning to type on his phone again. 'Oh no, not for that!' Rosinante managing to relieve your worries a little as a kind smile spreads across his lips. 'We just argued about the trip, he only hit me when I mentioned our mother.'

Mother? I thought his mother died?

"What did you say about her to get him so riled up?"

A deafening silence follows your question, of course, he doesn't speak anyway. But there's also no tapping on his phone, nothing. Rosinante looking slightly guilty now as his smile slowly begins to fade away, his eyes focused on the floor of the bus.

Maybe I shouldn't have asked. 

You assume he isn't going to answer so you turn your attention toward the window, deciding to sight-see instead but the sound of him tapping on his phone surprises you.

The blonde giving you a gentle tap on the shoulder before showing the screen to you.  

'I said she would be ashamed to see what he has turned out like.' You can almost feel his guilt, another uncomfortable fidget from the blonde before he starts typing again. 'He's not always a nice guy but what I said wasn't true, she'd love him regardless. She always did.' 

"Mothers usually do..." You give him a calm pat on the shoulder in attempts to soothe him a bit, it's clear that he's sensitive over the mention of his mother also so there's no need to point out how out of line he was in saying (or typing) such things to his brother. "What does he do that you find so terrible?" 

As if I don't already know...

'I just don't like how treats his g--' The blonde stops himself short and erases the message, glancing up at you briefly, his eyes show signs of sympathy but he doesn't say anything, simply shrugging it off before typing something else. 'I don't like how he treats some people is all.' 

Oh yeah, I'm sure.

Your brows knitting together when you witness more blood leak from the boy's nose, with a sigh you tuck the bloodied tissue away before pulling a fresh one out of the packet and pressing it to Rosinante's face as done before. 

"Damn, you must have really hit your face hard, huh? You don't have a concussion or anything, do you?"

More tapping reaches your ears before he flashes you a simple text message. 'I'm fine, thank you.'

Sure you are.

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