Chapter 1

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Chapter 1:”Classic or Oldies?”





A heavy hand fell on the bane of my existence: My alarm clock. While it was still technically summer break, my schedule tells me that I have absolutely zero time to kill by sleeping in.

That reminds me!


What time is it?

Crap! I lost my train of thought!

I am so not a morning person. Which leads me to the question: Why did I pay money for something that will bring me nothing but agonizing misery every morning as it impedes on my dreams?

I glance over at my alarm clock and the numbers in red make me professionally wrestle my covers.

8:30 a.m.

Oh no! I can't be late! I'm never late!

As I rush to put on my casual color guard uniform: black leggings, marching band pride shirt, color guard jacket, long black socks, and dark athletic shoes. As I hop out of my room trying on one leg whilst trying to tie my shoe, a thought comes to me. I know what I can do as a career! I should become a professional acrobat because I am honestly Killing this hopping on one leg thi- My thoughts are interrupted by my life flashing before my eyes. My foot slips and I go tumbling down the stairs as gracefully as a hippo on stilts.

When I reach the bottom I hear the demonic laugh of my younger sister break through the sound of my frantically beating heart. I turn and she is sitting on the living room sofa doubled over in laughter.

"That... Was... Beautiful!" She manages to speak between fits of laughter, "Encore!" By now she is on the floor gasping for breath. I swear that girl is going to die of asphyxiation because of how hard she laughs.

"Ow" I manage to squeak as I stand up rubbing my rear end. I shoot my best death glare towards her which sends her into another round of uncontrolled laughter.

As she manages to compose herself, she takes deep breaths, "You know I laugh out of love."

I can feel my eyes roll to the back of my head "Mhmm." I leave her to her own devices and rush as quickly as a person who managed to fall down a flight of stairs can into the kitchen. Halfway there a realization pops into my weary brain. I about face and stiffly walk back to the living room. I see my sister lounging on the couch on her phone.

"Sicily? Why aren't you ready?" I inquire as my eyelids narrow until I look as curiously menacing as I can.

"First of all, don't look at me like that. You look constipated. Secondly, because it is only 7 o'clock. I snuck into your room and changed all the settings and alarm times on your clock while you were sleeping. The shock of thinking you are late is usually the only thing that gets you motivated and awake in the morning. Apparently so does having a waltz with stairs does, too." She barely glances up at me as she answers. I can feel the steam coming out of my ears and my mouth heat up. I was ready to breath fire and she was my main target.

"Why would you do that!" I scream, managing to overcome my pain as I charge over to her like a bull attempting to slaughter the evil red cloth, "Sleep is precious and you deprived me of it you foul beast!" She raises her arms to block her face but before I can claw her face to shreds I hear my mother's angelic voice calling my not so angelic name.

"Dusty!" I stop in my tracks as Sicily lets out a relieved giggle.

"It is too early to murder your sister. Now go make yourself some breakfast and Sicily go get ready you guys have an important day today." With her remarks finished, she goes back to her room to finish taking out the curlers in her hair.

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