2.Did you miss me?

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'What goes around comes around, if  it goes up it comes down,

i know your mad cause' i found out, want you to feel what i feel right now,

and now that its over, 

I just wanna break your heart right back'

Break your heart right back- Ariana Grande

The year was 1919. The war was over. The boys had been back for a few months, none of them the same as before they left. War does that to a person. The suffering those lads had seen couldn't be described in words which was why Tommy never spoke of what he had seen during the war, his brothers had been willing to spill all but that was their way of coping. Tommy preferred to wear a stoic expression and re invent himself. 

Even though everyone knew the war was a big reason for this once lovable boys change, they weren't naive enough to believe it was the only reason. They knew his biggest fear had been realized as soon as he got of that train in Birmingham and not when he was at war, she wasn't there when he got home. Although he knew she had left there was always a part of him that believed she would come home and be there to fill the holes she and the war had left behind in him. But he couldn't expect that in reality ,not after how he treated her and the more he thought about what he had done the more introverted he became however days went by and he began to resent her for ever leaving him at all, after all he needed her. 

He was angry because after all it was Tommy and Ella they could never stay apart from each other he needed her, she was like his favorite drug. They loved each other too much. In his eyes he had lost everything. He had broken her heart and by doing so broke his own.

The Shelby family were celebrating a new betting win in the Garrison, well most of them were, Tommy was having one of those nights were he thought about what would happen if Ella was here how much more fun he would be having. Everyone noticed it just as they had every day since the war but they didn't know what else they could do for him. It wasn't like he wasn't speaking or drinking with them and there was even the occasional smirk but it wasn't their Tommy, no this was a stranger. Same man different views, a more polished version. The war can do that to a man. Every man dealt with its consequences differently and after loosing his only love on top of his already existing pain Tommy clung to business as a distraction. After a while Tommy got bored of his brothers constant bickering and left the booth to talk to the new barmaid, Grace. He was sat there a while before she finally had the courage to talk to him, after hearing from her superiors how dangerous he was, he intimidated her. 

"Can i help you with anything Mr.Shelby?" she asked in her thick Irish accent

"I came here to talk to a barmaid and so far you've said nothing" he uttered in his strong Brummie accent

"Sorry Mr Shelby, whats on your mind?" she tried to smile

They spoke for awhile about meaningless things,small talk until Grace became curious about him and she could see he was becoming bored, so she decided to risk delving deeper.

"What about you Tommy? have you got yourself a girl?" she asked despite her better judgment telling her not too

After a long pause he began "why? you offering?"he replied drawing the words out. Her cheeks blushed in embarrassment as Tommy smirked and stood to venture back to his families booth. He had been there all of 5 minutes when the Garrisons's doors opened and everyone outside the booth went silent. Curious at what had caused the silence the Shelby's opened the door to their booth.

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