Chapter 1: Giovanni

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Giovanni had just been defeated by Gold. He left his hideout afterward to go back to his team anyways, despite being furious about his loss. It was like torture to him, defeated yet again by another 10-year-old with the same determined look in his eye.

'Why!? Why is it always children.' He thought to himself. He could defeat anyone but 10-year-old children!?! These thoughts drove him to insanity and back. His thoughts were put to an abrupt stop when he slipped and fell off the cliff and in front of the waterfall. 'Is this it? Is this how I die!?' He thought to himself as he fell, yelling out of fear. Suddenly, A bright vortex made of light appeared below him. He then fell onto the ground. He got up and saw he was now in some kind of city he didn't recognize and was confused. He walked until he found someone and approached them.

"Hey, where am I?" "Striaton city" The man responded. "That's odd, I don't remember this city on the Jhoto map." "Jhoto? This is Unova" "Oh right... sorry... Do you know what date it is?" "Its Wednesday the 17th." This surprised Giovanni since the date was way different from what he remembered.

"Whats the month and year?" "Um, are you alright sir?" "I'm fine just tell me!" "I-Its March 2011" He was completely shocked. That date was years after the one he remembered before falling into the portal.

"Are you messing with me?!" "N-No sir!" Giovanni let him go and the man ran off.

'What was that portal?' He thought to himself. He walked on and knew he would have to be discrete to not alert Interpol.

A Year Later...

Giovanni found many former grunts when he realized he never went back to them due to the time travel. They all wanted to remake the team and thus, Giovanni created team Rainbow Rocket. News of the team got around to even more of his former grunts and almost everyone that was on team Rocket joined this new team. His main focus was to study and use the Ultra Wormholes for his own gain. He decided to stay in Unova for now since they would be easier to spot and arrested in Kanto and Jhoto. A few months ago his scientists perfected the portal technology and picked out the perfect universe to conquer and continue operations. Before they left this universe, Giovanni entered in the World tournament. He fought many in it and won all of them until he was defeated by yet another 10-year-old child causing him to be livid. He left the world behind and began to build his perfect team.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2019 ⏰

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