movie theatres with them

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- You two would sit at the back of the theatre
- tbh y'all didn't really have any intentions on watching the movie
- you two just made out and did stuff ;) the whole movie
- at the end of it both of you had no idea what had happened in it

- he actually really had wanted to see the movie for a while so no funny business here
- during the movie he would put his arm around your shoulders
- sometimes he'd whisper funny things to you during the movie

- you guys would sit in the middle of the theatre
- you guys would have so much snacks
- he would hold your hand during the movie
- he would kiss your head when you laughed at funny parts cuz he thought it was cute

- you guys would buy popcorn to share
- you guys would sit right at the front of the theatre
- he would literally laugh at every part of the movie

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