how they ask you out

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- after school
- you guys were hanging out on the school steps
- he just blurted it out
- "do you wanna go out?"
- you were a mess
- "out? Like a date? Um sure. I would uh love uh to go uh out."

- he was a mess omg
- you guys were in the park and he was showing you all the birds
- "you're cute. Do you have plans uhhh on Wednesday? Because I was thinking, you don't have to, but do you wanna go out? With me?"
- "yes I'd love to"
- he didn't look you in the eye for the rest of the day
- he felt like a man tbh

- you were down in the quarry
- he stopped talking
- "is something wrong bill?"
- "no, I- I was j-ju-just think- uh thinking. D-do you w-want t-o go out w-with m-me?"
- you smiled so hard
- "obviously I do."
- that made him blush hardcore

- he saw you at the pharmacy again
- he just straight up walked up to you
- "want to go out?"
- you were so confused at first
- "like on a date..." he added
- "ohhh yes, I would like that."
- when he left the pharmacy he was smiling so much

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