"...Jungkook...." he mumbled out before fluttering his eyes closed.

I felt myself slowly begin to lean in, as my eyes shut.

Until finally, almost like my desires had become truth, our lips gently collided together. In the moment i felt an overwhelming feeling of bliss come over me as his lips were softer compared to mine.

after a few seconds, that managed to feel like eternities, we pulled away. (reluctantly)

This kiss was innocent, simple, but still held an immense amount of power as my heart couldn't stop pounding. I opened my eyes to see a red faced Taehyung, he began to fumble with his thumbs embarrassment took him over as i soon felt the aftermath too as my face heated and i became flustered, i quickly looked away averting eye contact

That's when he let out a slight chuckle "Hehe...Jungkookie....are you gonna make me wait anymore?" I gave the boy a smile as i ruffled his hair what a cutie...well my cutie....as a shrugged i don't think i can make you or myself wait anymore...

he pouted before sighing and saying "Jungkookie....i adore you." I looked at the boy in shock before smiling at him "My little tiger, i adore you as well...so much" i stood up and gently hugged the boy


Now the room was filled with chatter about how he was doing ,basically he rambled on and on about how there's nothing to do in this boring basic room except sleep and watch television shows he didn't like

"You know they don't even have friggin cartoon network! You know how upsetting that is?!" I chuckled at how childish he was acting

That's when his mood changed slightly before he spoke...."You know they said i'll have to go to therapy soon...?" I sighed before nodding "yes...i assumed that they would force you..."

He bit his lip in annyance before continuing to speak up.

"Jungkook like I don't understand why i even need it...I'm ok I can get through this without it." I could tell he was becoming riled up, but in truth he just looked like an angry puppy almost i could help but run my hand through his hair

"Listen baby," he froze at the name and turned a light pink to which i chuckled before continuing "Sometimes we get things that we believe that we don't believe we need...but they aren't to hurt only to help you know?" The boy slightly frowned at my words "But i don't want or need help...you don't think i need help right?" he stared up at me with a hurt expression, I pulled him into a hug,  i felt him bury his face into the crook of my neck. "I don't think you need help, hell if it was up to me i'd be the one trying to nurse you back to health or at least be with you no matter what...but i can't because it's not what might be best for you" I tried to explain but this only seemed to agitate him

"I don't need it. I don't want it. It is not what's best for me i'd know! I've tried it before-" I cut his rant off "What do you mean you've tried it before?" His eyes widened like he said something he wasn't supposed too. He opened his mouth and then closed it, he looked as if the words where on the tip of his tongue but he couldn't quite say it.

"it's okay you don't have to tell me...yet."

taking a deep sigh I hesitantly decided to drop it seeing he couldn't even make out the words to explain. It all saddened me though...as i wasn't expecting....


I wasn't expecting to have barely scratched the surface of the suffering my little tiger has been through....or is going through...


a few hours had passed after that it was just me and Taehyung, we would listen to each other, joke around, and rant about things we thought were stupid. Thankfully i kept him happy it seemed almost the entire time.

but absentmindedly checked the time.

'7:00'...my watch read

"shit...."i mumbled

he glanced at me curiously before piecing together what had happened, he gave me a small smile and put his and on mine reassuringly"Jungkookie....go home ok?" he spoke, I stared at him with unwavering gaze that was full of sympathy, "i need to sleep anyways you will just keep me up cause you're bothersome!"he jokingly said practically shooing me away "Ok ok fine! Ill go but i'm coming here tomorrow" he rolled his eyes before firing back "Just go you silly bunny!" I turned to leave but my dumbass decided to turn around....just to be met with his gaze, a sad one that truly looked like he didn't want me go...

So i turned around and shook my head no 

"ill leave once you go to sleep. I don't want to go home yet anyway" he gave me a puppy like pout "No go home Kookie....I'll be ok just come and see me after school tomorrow like you said." i smiled at how naive he is because I'm not going to be at school.

I took a seat next to him, as his pout only grew. Then we stayed bickering for about 10 minutes before he finally proceeded to say "I WILL KICK YOU OUT MY ROOM DON'T TEST ME!" and then proceeded to try and call room security I desperately had to try and stop his dumbass from doing that by promising him i'd leave if....i got a peck on the cheek which he did and i kept my end of he deal....yet

 i still didn't want to leave him i knew he didn't want me to go either...but he...he is so kind. Slowly i walked out the hospital and towards the main house the events of today flashing over my mind...

'i'll save you from your own suffering one day tae ill....ill save you i promise...just wait please....'


Yoongi's POV

I opened the door to see Hoseok eyeing me "So why'd you just leave a few days ago?" I gulped knowing i hadn't bothered to tell him how Taehyung was doing...the only person that really knows is Jungkook and Jimin.

I sighed before brushing him off i wasn't really in the mood to talk

"I don't want to talk i want to sleep." I grumpily mumbled, he frowned at me before coming towards me.

I felt myself begin to back up as he stepped forward, my steps stopped as my back was met with a wall. He smirked encasing me within his arms as he hovered over me.

slowly he came closer to my ear that was probably a burning red due how timid i felt under his dominance...."do you know what happens when my kitten decided to be bad and defy me?"

"n-no..." i stuttered my voice barely above a whisper

a dark smirk grew over his face, before he pushed me up against the wall even more and nipped at my ear 

"ill tell you, baby...it gets you punished."

;)))))))))))) *insert lenny face*

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