#13|pros and cons

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"Being chef is so hard. Remember, when I was small, I used to say that even I want to be a chef so that I can eat all the dishes. I'm glad I changed my mind," I laughed.

After we finished our ice cream Ved went to wash the bowls and keep them in the cupboard. Later he fell asleep while I thought of Ryan and the conversation.

I recalled how Ved made pros and cons to decide which dish to put in the menu. I decided to follow the same, with a twist. I had made pointers that highlighted my flaws, the flaws that would work as a strong excuse. The pointers would help Ryan to reconsider his decision, according to me. I was so stressed out that didn't even realise how stupid my idea was.

After spending a few rigorous minutes, I finally wrote down four points. I glanced at the points, straining my brain for the fifth and last point.

Points :
I eat a lot of food
Cannot keep my phone on silent
I stink

Keeping in mind that I no more care what Ryan thinks of me, I penned down the points.

Since Ryan was from the commerce stream, there was no way he would contact my batchmates and tell them about my flaws. He hardly spoke to people from his own batch. And even if he did spread, Atharv was with me.

I had decided, after the problem gets solved I would divert my attention completely to Atharv. He was the only one who could help me to overcome my feelings for Ryan.

"Do you know any of such flaw that I don't know?" I asked Reason who sat beside the lamp, looking at me innocently.

"Why did I even name you after Ryan's incident? He is a douche," I groaned.

My phone rang snapping me out. It was Atharv's.

"Speak up," I spoke.

"My dad is going out for two days. So Netflix and chill?" he joked.

"Shut up," I checked the time on my phone.

"It's one o'clock you idiot, why did you call?"

"I just happen to see the trailer of Desi Boys and it seems really good. So we're going to watch it tomorrow at my place."

I rolled my eyes, "Why is everyone talking about films? Aren't there any other topics left in the world?"

"Wait, what?"

"I'm not going to watch the movie at night, okay? 7pm seems good,"

"Yeah obviously, you pass out in midst of the film." Atharv chuckled.

Did I just got a point?

"What did you just say?"

"You pass out in the midst,"

"Damn, I pass out in the midst of the film." I chuckled having gotten a new point.

"Yeah, what's so interesting in that?"

I immediately penned down the point.

"I love you so much," I giggled, glancing at the completed list.

"I guess I know that,"

"Alright then, we'll directly go to your house tomorrow after our lectures." I told.


I ended the call and glanced at the list again, confidence boosting up in me. Just then my phone buzzed. It was Ryan's text.

~ 10 hrs more
Will meet you in the locker room.

I had my breakfast early and went to the college a bit early. I checked multiple times if I had kept the pointer's page in my bag. Unlike the last day, it was raining hard.

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