Chapter 7

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Blackcanary's pov

After the lesson I told the kids to get something to eat and head to bed.I told Clara that I better keep a hold of the necklace so it's save she said ok and I left.


The next morning I came to the justice league for a meeting."Blackcanary 2.2" the computer said as I walked in."Blackcanary what is it?"Batman asked concerned.I was standing in front of everyone,"I called this meeting with concern for the new hero on the jr. justice league."

"What concern do you have about my daughter?"

"Well superman I'm concerned about the necklace that you gave her." He looked confused so I continued "she told me that you gave her a necklace that can kill anyone that includes herself,you superman are insane!"batman interrupted "what necklace?"he asked and I gave the little box to him and he opened it his face went pale well more pale then usual "superman how can you give your fifteen year old daughter a necklace this dangerous?" We were all looking at superman when he spoke "look I'm sorry for the mistake but ANala died on the same day when Clara turned four I was confused when I gave it to her.I trust her that's why I gave it to her I also said that she can learn to control it." He said I made a little bit of sense."She's fifteen superman ANala started learning when she was five not fifteen."

"Clara learns fast you can teach her for two weeks and she'll get it all"

"Did she look at it when you gave it to her?"


"She already has some power in her." I said then batman cut in "if she already has the power in her then she can learn how to control it.Superman do you still have the notes and signs for the magic?" He asked superman nodded his head 'yes' ."good go get it and take it to mount justice I'll tell Redtornado."he said and the meeting was closed.Superman went back to Metropolis and Batman contacted Redtornado.

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