Chapter Eighteen - Bad Dreams

Start from the beginning

    “Okay,” Daniel replied getting up. He made it to the stairs before he stopped and turned around looking back at Colton.

    “You comin'?” he asked.

    “Yeah in a bit,” Colton said.

    Daniel nodded suspiciously, walking up the stairs and out of sight.

    “You like the movie, Baby Girl?” Colton asked stroking my hair.

    I slowly shook my head but I said no words. He chuckled under his breath.

    “Thought so,” he smiled.

    I then felt two strong arms wrap around my back and under my legs. I was slowly lifted off the ground and pulled against Colton's chest.

    He had lifted me bridal style and was carrying me through the hallway.

    I still couldn't move, I was scared out of my mind that a scary little girl would jump out of a screen and kill me. But it was reassuring having Colton so close to me.

    I think he could feel me shaking because he rolled his eyes shaking his head at me with disbelief. Then he crashed his lips to mine.

    He tasted sweet and his lips felt soft and warm on mine. I moaned in the back of my throat as all my worries seemed to just fade into thin air. Nothing else mattered except his lips pressed against mine. I stared to feel dizzy as the world spun around me ans I became tired all over again.

    He pulled away and I whimpered. He smiled and gave me another peck on the lips.

    “I hope that puts you to sleep tonight,” he said, amused and smiling like an idiot.

    “Yeah that'll do it,” I said shrugging.

    He laughed and continued to carry me to my room.

    He knew why we wouldn't be able to sleep in the same bed tonight and I think he could tell that I was terrified to sleep on my own.

    Soon we were in my room in no time at all and he set me down lightly on the bed. He pulled the covers over my body and kissed me on the top of the head.

    “I'll see you in the morning, Baby Girl, and remember I'm just next door if you need me. Sweet dreams,” he said.

    I hoped I had sweet dreams.

    “Thank you, Colton,” I mumbled.

    He nodded and started to leave but stopped at the doorway mumbled something under his breath. Oh my Josh! Did he just say he loved me!? No, it couldn't have been. I must've been really tired.

    With that he closed the door leaving me alone in the dark. It felt weird trying to fall asleep without him lying next to me.

    Before I fell asleep I ended up staring into my mirror across from my bed, scared that a little girl would pop out and attack me.

    But when I finally drifted to sleep, I ended up wondering what Colton had said before he'd left my room. But I tried not to over analyze it.

                                                     *Krissy's dream*

    I gasped for a breath. I couldn't breathe. I'd felt like someone had knocked the wind out of me completely.

    My eyes were wide open looking all around frantically for a way to get out.

    My mother was beside me in the driver's seat of the car. The air bags had gone off a little too late. She had a huge gash in the side of her head.

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