"Okay, so we're using the coatroom as our cupboard, and I'm going first," Briar smiled. "I nominate Jess and Caspar."

Fuck knows who Jess was, but she got up and so did Caspar and they went into the coatroom. They were both hammered, so they could easily be snogging right now.

Seven minutes was up, and then Jess nominates Briar and Milo. They were both sober but they were still obviously kissing. Cute couple. I looked across at Joe and smiled at him. I don't even know why I was mad. He was so cute. He smiled back at me and I blushed. He was so attractive. I was definitely very attracted to him.

Seven minutes was up and then Briar nominated me and Joe. I giggled and stood up, and he followed me into the coatroom.

"Hey," he smiled as we shut the door.

"Hey," I giggled. A small part of me told me I was drunk and should stop, but I didn't listen to that part. I listened to the part that told me Joe was hot and I wanted to make out with him.

"You're so pretty," Joe smiled, kissing me.

"You're so attractive too," I smiled, kissing him back.

He pushed me up against the wall and I wrapped my legs around him as we continued kissing.

Joe's PoV
I was so drunk, that if it hadn't been for the red hair I probably wouldn't have known who I was kissing. But I did, and I loved it. God she was so beautiful. She slid her legs off my waist, and I started sucking her neck. I didn't want this seven minutes to end. But it did. She laughed afterwards and kissed me again, before we both left the cupboard.

The game kept going, but I couldn't take my eyes off her, and she kept glancing back at me and smiling. I knew then that I had to make this work, even throughout the competition. I wanted her, and I was going to work for this relationship, just like she said.

When the game finished, I walked over to Dianne and smiled at her. She smiled back, looking up at me.

"I like you a lot," I said. "And I'm willing to try and work for this relationship."

"I'd like that," she smiled, and we started kissing again.


Dianne's PoV
I woke up the next morning with the worst headache ever. I literally felt like death. In fact, I had absolutely no idea how I'd got home from Briar's party. I remembered turning up, having a few drinks, we played never have I ever... then it was a bit fuzzy after that. I got up out of bed, heading for my bag where I always kept pain relief, and took some to try and rid myself of this goddamned headache. I yawned and looked in the mirror, and that's when I saw it. Clear as day, a lovebite on my lower neck. Oh god. Who had I made out with? I sat down and tried desperately to think about what happened the night before.

"Hey," Katie smirked at me, coming out the bathroom.

"Jesus," I jumped. "I forgot we shared a room for a second."

"Yeah, that happens to people who drink themselves silly," Katie laughed at me. "Nice to know you and Joe are together though."

"Sorry, WHAT?!" I snapped my head up to look at her.

"Briar told me," Katie said. "They were playing seven minutes in heaven and you and Joe heavily made out in there then publicly made out afterwards, stating you were going to make a relationship work."

"Fuck," I put my head in my hands. So the lovebite was from Joe. How much did I drink?! I made a mental note never to touch alcohol again in my life. It all started slowly coming back to me, and I remembered...enjoying it. Yep, never touching that satanic juice again.

Just then, I got a text from Joe. My head killed trying to read it, so Katie picked it up and read it out for me.

Joe: hey...uhh, i think we should maybe talk about last night? briar told me what happened, her and caspar actually filmed the whole damn night... neil's mad at them for that and so is zoe so that's something... but like we were both drunk, i wanna talk to you about this x

"They FILMED IT?!" Katie said, looking outraged. "Nah, I'm not losing that easily."

"Pardon?" I looked at her. What did she mean lose?

"Don't worry," Katie said. "I've got to go now because we're facing America in an hour and I wanna run the dance with the others a few more times.

I was so confused, but I just let her go. I picked up my phone and texted Joe back.

Dianne: sure, come to my room x

Joe: ok x

This was gonna be a lot of explaining. I took out some water from the fridge and started drinking it. I wanted to sober up as quick as possible. I was already gonna miss my own team performing, I couldn't let them down by not turning up for small group rehearsals if we got through.

Around ten minutes later Joe knocked at my door and I let him in. I'd changed into my joggers and a sports bra so I wasn't still in last night's clothes, but I'd be having a shower after he left.

"Hey," he smiled at me.

"Hey," I smiled back, letting him in.

I went and sat on my bed and indicated for him to come sit with me.

"Sooooo..." he began, clearly having no idea what to say.

"So we made out," I helped him out.

He nodded. "I have to admit I barely remember what happened last night, but I'm just gonna come out and say it, I loved what I do remember. I loved kissing you and..."

"And giving me lovebites?" I raised an eyebrow, but smiled. "I also recall you telling me you liked me."

"Yeah," he smiled lightly. "You know, I really like you Dianne, I do, and I can't believe I was so much of an idiot that I couldn't admit that to your face until I was drunk."

"Better drunk than never," I shrugged.

"I really want to give us a shot," he said. "I'd rather try and have it not work out than not try and live thinking 'what if'."

"Same," I nodded. "I've always said it's better to do something and potentially regret it than to not try something at all."

He smiled. "So, does this mean you agree? Can we try being in a relationship?"

I giggled, and kissed him. "100%."

"Wow, our first kiss as sober people," Joe laughed.

"Don't ruin it," I laughed.

"Sorry, sorry," he echoed my laugh, and kissed me again.

Yes, this was what I wanted. This moment right now. It was perfect.

Ayyyy, they're together! But don't like sing songs of rejoice, remember at one point they're going to compete head to head and then afterwards they're living on opposite sides of the globe. The struggle is far from over for Joe and Dianne.

I'll update tomorrow! B x

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