Chapter Three

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Katniss POV

The Capitol is so much bigger than I expected it to be.

Of course, having lived in tiny District 12 all my life, I would expect the Capitol to look big. I just never thought I would ever be here. The Hunger Games were always a big fear in my life but over the years I came to let myself forget about the threat a little, to focus simply on providing food for my family and hunting with Gale.

Now the threat is real and solid.

In a couple of weeks, I could be flat-out dead.

The thought terrifies me more than anything. I remember the promise I made to Prim and my resolve strengthens. I will do anything to get back to my sister. Even if it means joining the Career pack.

"What are you doing?" I ask, seeing Peeta at the window, waving. He smiles at the people outside before turning to me. "Some of them could be rich." He shrugs before turning back to the glass.

Haymitch takes a swig of something in a flask. "He knows what he's doing," my mentor tells me. "Follow him."

I try to; but every cell in my body protests against being friendly to the people of the Capitol, to the monsters who enjoy seeing children die, who condone murder without lifting a finger to stop it.

Scowling, I shake my head and turn back to my roll. I gently dip it in hot chocolate and eat, savouring the taste. I enjoy the hot, creamy liquid while I can. We only have a few minutes before the train pulls into he station.

Sure enough I'm soon hustled out of the train by Effie, who is smiling and beaming at everyone. Remembering Haymitch's instructions, I look straight ahead as if the people of the Capitol are below my attention and walk through the crowd cheering for us. Haymitch explained later that a strategy like this, especially from us, District 12, will draw the interest of the crowd immediately. I feel hatred towards the Capitol, and it only increases with every scream they receive. I do not mean anything to these people. I'm just a means of entertainment, a tool that can be disposed of at will.

"Hey, 12! Over here!"

The voice, just behind me, startles me. I spin around instantly, but my foot catches on something and I'm falling forward, arms pinwheeling at my sides to prevent the inevitable. I close my eyes and prepare to feel...

A pair of warm arms catching me.

Shocked, I open my eyes and look up. I meet a pair of electric blue eyes, framed by long eyelashes and accentuating the high cheekbones of the boy who's currently holding me. His face is void of expression as I pull myself up and out of his arms, moving away slightly. "Thanks."

He doesn't say anything in reply but gives me a piercing look before turning his back on me and walking away. I stare at his back, and I realize where I've seen him before.

I've just fallen into the arms of Cato Kingsley, the tribute from District 2 and my biggest rival in the Games.

Cato POV

She feels slender, like if could pick her up and snap her in two if I wanted to.

I know that 12 doesn't get much food and most of them starve to death...but jeez, she seems to have gotten the worst of it. The first thing that comes to my mind when I think of her is a matchstick. But there's something in her steely grey eyes that shows me she's more than she looks. That she's a fighter.

"Hello? Earth to Cato?" Clove snaps her fingers in front of mine, her eyes curious.

I blink quickly, returning to the present. "What is it, Clove?" I ask, trying for an annoyed look. Clove has been my closest companion for ten years; she knows me better than anyone. We trained together, laughed together, grew up together. She knows me well enough to realize that I'm acting.

"Cut the shit, Cato," Clove says sharply. "Ever since we've watched the Reapings, you've not been yourself. We're at the Capitol now. We're going to be in the Games in just five days. If you want to win, you need to fucking focus. So get your act together."

With those final words, Clove twists away and disappears into the crowd.

And I'm left following her, my mind torn between the Games and the memory of a warm, slender body in my arms just a few minutes ago. The memory of holding Katniss.


"I'm Violetta," my stylist tells me, looking me up and down the whole time. She looks ordinary for a Capitol citizen; she has bright pink hair and a tattoo of a bird on her collarbone but otherwise she could pass for a District citizen.

I nod, knowing that she already knows my name. I feel a smirk cross my lips at the thought that half the sponsors must already be considering me. I have a lot of plus points in my favor: I'm from District 2, automatically making me a Career and a formidable threat in the Games. I am tall and strong and I have a good chance of winning in a hand-to-hand fight. As soon as they see my training score, I'll be a hot commodity in the Capitol.

Violetta rattles off something about how she's going to dress me for the tribute parade but I couldn't care less. So long as we capture the eyes of the crowd, we could be naked for all I care.


"This bloody thing itches," Clove hisses as we stand by our horses for the tribute parade. We are outfitted in the clothes of Roman gladiators - people who, according to Violetta - also fought in an arena thousands of years ago for the entertainment of other people.

Just like the Capitol, only they make it more high tech.

Katniss walks in barely minutes after we do, dressed in a black jumpsuit that is closely molded to her body. She may be slender, but damn, she's certainly curvy. She looks up then and catches my eye. I send her a wink and a smirk and to my complete surprise she looks back at me just as steadily, her lips curved into a mocking smile.

Then her partner appears and she turns away.

I can almost feel the surprised look on my face. No girl has ever treated me like that before. They blush, smile, turn away, twirl their hair around their fingers. No one has ever looked at me with that look, that look that says that she isn't going to fall for whatever I might try on her.

It's almost refreshing.

At that moment, the horses whinny loudly and the stylists usher their tributes onto the chariots, making last-minute costume alterations or giving advice. Many of the tributes are barely noticeable, dressed in drab and expected outfits.

Katniss and her partner, however.....I have a suspicion that the black jumpsuit isn't all there is to their costume.

Clove and I are on the chariot in an instant as Panem's song begins to play, applause heralding our arrival as the chariot leaves the Tribute Center and emerges into the open.

Next chapter: first spoken interaction between Katniss and Cato

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