Love At First Sight

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No ones POV

"It was a warm spring morning. As I walked through the hot metal gates I saw-" Donghae was saying dreamily before he was cut off by his best friend Kyuhyun.

"Oh shut up." Kyuhyun said as he threw a piece of crumpled up paper at Donghae's head.

"What?!" Donghae said looking shocked and confused.

"You've told me that same story for 3 weeks now." Kyuhyun said.

"So? I can never tell it enough. The second I saw him I knew. He's just undying perfection." Donghae said dreamily.

"*sigh*. Why can't you keep your 'undying love' to yourself?" Kyuhyun said emphasizing 'undying love' in a dramatic desperate sounding way.

"Oh I'll make sure the whole world knows that HyukJae is mine." Donghae said seriously. And then smiled as his undying love walked in. Today has been a great day.


As school was letting out Kyuhyun and Donghae we're walking home. Donghae spotted HyukJae. He ditched Kyuhyun without a second thought.

"Hi Hyukjae." Donghae said as he walked up to Hyukjae and his best friend Sungmin and Kyuhyun dragged along behind Donghae.

"What is it Donghae?" Hyukjae said with slight annoyance in his tone.

"What's the drink that tickles your ivories? Graces the walls of your throat." Donghae asked. With his eyes slightly battering.

"If you must know. It's strawberry milk." Hyukjae said.

"Excellent choice. I'll go get some right now. Come on Kyuhyun." Donghae said as he turned around but not before he winked at Hyukjae.

"Why do I even bother." Kyuhyun mumbled as he turned around while rolling his eyes.

"Hey Donghae wait." Hyukjae said after a few seconds.

"Yes Hyukjae my pet?" Donghae said back. Turning around and walking back. Kyuhyun just waited there.

"Why are you getting strawberry milk exactly?" Hyukjae asked. What? He was just wondering.

"Showing a little interest in what I'm doing, huh. I'm wearing you down baby." Donghae stated with upmost confidence.

"The only thing your wearing down is your wallet. Now again I ask, why are you buying strawberry milk?" Hyukjae asked again.

"*sigh* well you know we're neighbors-"
Donghae started before he got interrupted

"Don't I know it." Hyukjae complained.

Donghae looked at him with a disappointed face. "Ehem. As I was saying. We're neighbors and I come over to your house at-least once a day. Because every minute spent without you is a moment wasted in time. So I thought I'll show him what good husband material I am and buy him his favorite drink." Donghae said. Looking dreamily off into the distance while saying 'because every minute spent without you is a moment wasted in time.'.

"Yeah. Glad I asked. Goodbye Donghae." Hyukjae said. Using sarcasm while saying 'glad I asked'

"Goodbye Hyukjae my pet. I'll see you later." Donghae said emphasizing every word.

"Because every minute spent without you is a moment wasted in time." Kyuhyun said while exasperating every word while clenching his shirt. "Please."

"What? It's true. You know I love him." Donghae said completely serious.

"I know you do. But seriously?" Kyuhyun said.

"Yes. How else am I going to woo him?" Donghae said.

"Well first of all don't ever said woo again." Kyuhyun said while smacking him in the back of the head

"Ouch, noted." Donghae said while rubbing the back of his head.

"Second of all don't be that cheesy. It's so lame. You should seduce him or something like that." Kyuhyun said trying not to smirk.

"Kyuhyun. I'm not going to seduce him. And I was already lame before I fell in love. I might as well as be 'lame and in love.'" Donghae said acting like his title was the Hollywood sign.

"Ok fine. But you could be a little less lame." Kyuhyun said as they were approaching Donghae's house.

"Well, so could you." Donghae said. Smiling a toothless mischievous smile. Before running into his house. He had texted his mom to get some strawberry milk on the way home.
"Sungmiiiiiiiiiin, what am I gonna do?" Hyukjae said whining while flailing around on his bed.

"About whaaaaaaaaaat." Sungmin said in a mimicking voice.

"Lee Donghae." Hyukjae said with annoyance in his tone.

"Oh that adorable little angel fish?" Sungmin said.

"He's not an adorable little angle fish. He's an annoying cricket." Hyukjae said.

"But he just loves you so much. It's so cuuuuuuute!" Sungmin said fanboying over Donghae's cuteness.

"But why me. Why did he have to like me." Hyukjae said with so much agony in his voice.

"I honestly have no clue. I don't even know why I like you." Sungmin said making a wondering face.

"Haha." Hyukjae said with heavy sarcasm.

"If Heechul loves Donghae then you know he's an adorable angel fish." Sungmin said. Everyone in school knew that if Heechul liked you then you were something special.

"Even Heechul likes him?! How on earth does everyone love him." Hyukjae said with so much confusion.

"I already told you. Cause he's an adorable angel fish. And he's kind, caring, and smart. Perfect boyfriend material if you ask me." Sungmin said.

"Well if he's so perfect why don't you go date him." Hyukjae said with annoyance in his tone.

"No. He'd never go for me. Or anyone else. He's got it bad for you." Sungmin said.

"Don't remind me." Hyukjae said while getting up to go take a shower.

Sungmin went home while hyukjae was taking a shower. What? He got bored.

Hyukjae was laying down on his bed playing a game on his phone when he heard his mom call him.

"Hyukjae can you come down here please." Hyukjae's mom said.

Hyukjae came down the stairs to see the "perfect little angel fish" Donghae.

"Hi Hyukjae my pet." Donghae said.

Why me??
Hi everyone!! I hope you like this new fiction. It's probably going to be a little long. But hopefully you guys like longer fictions.

So I have to tell you this. This story will have time jumps. But nothing bad. Just like their 14 in this fiction but in about 2 chapters they'll be 15. It's just so they can get older without me saying anything. Hope this clears up any confusion that may happen ;)

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