9 | Ready To Live

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Friday, March 1st, 2019 | 10:04 pm
Bad Blood

Carlisle's POV

It had been a week since Grayson turned. His fangs grew in and he had cravings, often. I did my best to restrict him to a bottle of animal blood and a shot of human blood a day. The animal blood to get rid of cravings, and the shot for strength.

We couldn't find Rose. We searched her apartment but didn't find anything. She probably left town.

Good thing too, if I found her, I'd drain her and imprison her in a cave and keep her there until she desiccated.

Ethan still hadn't gotten used to his brother's diet, but he was happy it meant Grayson didn't cook as often.

The boys had pre-recorded last weeks video but tomorrow, they had to record.

Grayson hadn't quite gotten used to his heightened emotions, so he's been really moody. It's like he's on his period.

That's literally the best description. He gets really pissed of easily, and when the slightest thing goes wrong, he eats an entire tub of ice cream.

I hope they don't have any issues uploading on Tuesday. He'd have a nuclear meltdown.

I'd been at the club for a couple of hours, tending the bar.

Henri came over and leaned against the bar. "Comment Grayson se comporte-t-il comme un vampire?" He asked how Grayson behaves as a vampire.

"Presque pareil que n'importe quel débutant. Les sautes d'humeur, les envies, ne comprennent pas à quel point il est fort. C'est un peu calme mais il va bientôt disparaître."

I told him Grayson is the same as any newly turned vampire. He gets mood swings, cravings, and still doesn't get how strong he is. The only difference is Grayson is a little quiet and reluctant to use his new powers.

I don't understand why. Usually, new vampire like flaunting their powers. They'd run as fast as they can, or lift heavy things, or eavesdrop on people 30 ft away.

I don't think Grayson has accepted what he is yet.

I went home a few minutes later.

Nicolás and Domair went back to their own lives. Nic went back to Bulgaria and took Nadya with him. I knew they missed Aurora.

Domair, I don't know where he went. I think he and Ahélis went back to Marseille. So I now lived alone.

When I pulled into the driveway, I saw Grayson sitting in front of the door. Which was a bad decision cause it was pouring.

When I got out, I went over to him. He stood.

Grayson clothes were soaked and his hair was flat and dripping.

"What are you doing, Gray?" I asked him.

"I was waiting for you,"

"Why didn't you just call?" I unlocked the door and let him in.

He walked in before I closed the door.

"I needed to see you. Is anyone else home?" He asked.

I walked into the kitchen and set my purse on the island counter. "They moved out."

He came closer and pushed me into the counter before lifting me on to it. He wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his head on my chest.

"I made a choice that affected my life in so many ways. I've always wanted to grow up and find the perfect girl and get married and have kids." He said quietly.

He looked up at me with tears in his eyes.

"I found her, but I can't have anymore."

"C’est cela l’amour, tout donner, tout sacrifier sans espoir de retour. It means “That is love, to give away everything, to sacrifice everything, without the slightest desire to get anything in return.”"

Grayson's brow furrowed, showing confusion.

"I always thought that was bullshit."

Grayson chuckled, it left a smile on his face. "We haven't known each other very long and I've already died for you. Now I'm ready to live for you."

Girl Next Door - Dolan Twins #Wattys2019Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora