letter ii

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dear you,

things were never really simple when it came to my life.

today, you broke up with your girlfriend.

"why?" i had asked. you looked like you were trying not to cry.

"she kissed another guy," you had said.

you still loved her.

"it's going to be okay," i said.

"that's easy for you to say," you replied.

no, you were wrong. it wasn't easy for me to say because everyday, i wake up and i want to die. every night, i go to sleep, hoping that i wouldn't wake up the next morning. i wasn't okay because i loved you and you're the only thing i had left, but she took you away from me.

i can't help but feel like you hated me because you glared at me afterwards.

you had thought i didn't know how you felt.

but i do, baby, i do.

i know exactly how it felt to see the person you love, love somebody else.

it's sad.

and then you said, "you won't fucking understand."

and then i blurted out, "but i do."

and you raised your brows. "somebody cheated on you?"

"no," I replied, "but a guy i love broke my heart and it hurts a lot."

and you had no idea that i was talking about you.

and you started crying and hugged me, saying that she hurt you really bad.

and then i started crying beause it killed me to see you cry.

that's how much i loved you.

- me

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