A Seemingly Normal Day (Part 2)

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(A/N: A day after I posted Part one my beta-reader got rlly mad at me lmao)


Fling Pussy Pussy:

detestable minion- Ramuda

bl list- Gentarou

greasy rat- Dice

gacha addict- Ichiro

bb gun- Jiro

mickey mcbitchy- Saburo

gun kink- Jyuto

shoot me please- Doppo


Pinkie Pie (Ramuda Amemura)

Pinkie Pie: have u arrived yet

Pinkie Pie: hey

Pinkie Pie: have you seen dice ye t

We're walking around the closest mini mall right now

Sensei said that Arisugawa-san wanted to rest for a bit

Yumeno-san is in the bathroom

hes been there for 20 minutes..

Pinkie Pie: ?

Pinkie Pie: Anyways r u sure u want to see Dice

Pinkie Pie: I mean he doesn't rlly like u

Literally the three of you hate at least one of us

Pinkie Pie: lmao i guess 

Pinkie Pie: though u make it sound like we're hating for no apparent reason~

Shit im sorry i didn't mean to


Pinkie Pie: jfc calm down

Pinkie Pie: if ur gonna see dice u have to calm your apologising

Pinkie Pie: or else u'll both be in the hospital together

Pinkie Pie: also i dont want that old man on my case


Pinkie Pie: :eyes::eyes:

Pinkie Pie: whatever

Pinkie Pie: Ya think u can get Gentarou out of the bathroom

Pinkie Pie: or do i have to call him

I think you might have to call him..


Pinkie Pie: u cant be saved after all-

Pinkie Pie: also am I still Pinkie Pie or has ur boyfriend changed it

He's not my

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