Chapter 1

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Ok here's the real story guys!

Down in their eerie cave Austin was roaming around looking for his main best friend Sky. Sky was Austin's best friend out of the six dragons that were there not including The Keepers. Sky was a palish blue/green color that glows in the little light they have. Sky was also the shortest of the group. He had a good humor that most of the other dragons didn't get. He loved to try and pull pranks on the others as well.

Austin was walking from room to room. Sky's bedroom to Strare's (yes I added my IG oc) room wondering where he was.

"SKY!" Austin yelled as loud as he could. No answer. "This better not be a prank." Austin said putting a talon to his head.

Austin made it to the room where there were a few holes in the ceiling to let the only bit of sunlight anydragonet had ever saw there. The Keepers always saw the sun going in and out of the cave.

"Hey Strare, Pallette!" Austin said.

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