Infinity War (My version)

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Hi Spiderfan here, I have been working on this idea for a while, then made a few changes based off the suggestion YaoiDokonidemo gave me. This idea has been bouncing around my head and now I published it. I made some changes to small parts of the Infinity War timeline. 

I put quotes from the Titan death scene at the end, so I had to watch it a bunch of times and I feel like crying.

I use actual quotes from Infinity War, so I wanted to remind you: 


Third Person's POV

Tony was heading up towards the space ship where Dr. Strange was being held. There was an incoming call from Pepper, which he told FRIDAY to accept.

"Tony? Where are you? What is happening? I am so worried," Pepper's nervous voice came up.

"Well, I may be late for our eight o clock meeting."

"Don't tell me you're on that ship!"


"Tony come back here right now! I swear to God, Tony come back here right now. Co---h----ow--"

Pepper's voice cut off as Tony went higher. Tony amplified the signal in hope of contacting Pepper, but it was in vain. Or so he thought.

What he didn't know was that now his cameras and microphones of his suit were not only broadcasting to Pepper, but to the whole world.

All the fans of Iron Man were now gathered around every available screen, to see what would happen with their hero and the giant craft disturbing New York.

Happy's POV

I was watching the news when suddenly, the screen blacked out and was replaced with a view of the huge space ship everyone was talking about. I was startled to hear Tony's voice.

"FRIDAY, unlock 17a."

I saw Spiderman, or who I knew as Peter, struggling to continue climbing up the side of the flying donut.

Tony approached Peter and yelled, "Pete you gotta let go, I'm gonna catch you."

Peter glanced back at Tony. "But you said save the wizard!" Peter ripped off his mask, "I can't breathe." I sighed, realizing that everyone saw him take off the mask.

Tony continued towards Peter. "You're too high up. You're running out of air."

Peter nodded, "Yeah," he panted, "That makes sense."

I gasped as Peter's grip slipped and he started falling towards Tony. I never let it show, but I had a soft spot towards the kid. He was always kind and selfless. Tony had better catch him.

There was a blur of movement next to Tony, then something collided with Peter's back. The Iron Spider I had seen Tony working on now started covering Peter.

I held my breath as the suit formed around Peter. When it did, I sucked in a sharp breath when he started tumbling down the bottom of the donut, not yet having regained enough consciousness to stay on the donut. When Peter caught on to the ship, I sat down in relief.

"Mr. Stark, it smells like a new car in here!" Peter gasped out and I smiled. That was the kid I loved.

Tony continued flying up. "FRIDAY, send him home." Yep, FRIDAY responded, opening a parachute on Peter's back.

"Oh, come o-!" Peter yelled as he was pulled back to Earth. At least now he will be safe.

Flash's POV

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