School Invasion

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Peter POV

I was sitting in my boring third period Chemistry. I already know all this. With an exasperated sigh, I slammed my head on the desk. It was hard to concentrate if you had a splitting headache and were sitting in a boring class.

"Peter, since you decided you're too good to pay attention in this class, why don't you tell us what the chemical equation is?" Mr. Garcia questioned.(I don't know what questions they ask in Chemistry)

With a sigh I raised my head from the desk. "The chemical equation for glucose is C6H12O6."

Rolling my eyes at the teacher's obvious surprise, I laid my head back down on my arms, droning out the lecture. I tried rubbing my head to ease the pressure of my spidey senses constantly going off. Maybe it is broken. Ned tapped my shoulder and I jumped up.

"What is up with you today? You've been so jumpy and on edge."

"Spidey senses," I said with a groan, "they've been acting up all day."

"Oh," Ned said giving me a concerned glance, then turned his head back to the teacher before we could get caught talking.

Suddenly we heard a commotion outside and at the same time, Teachers, take your students to the designated lockdown area. This is not a drill.

Ned and I shared a ominous look, then headed over to the gym with the rest of our class. We all took a seat in the spot intended. As everyone was settling down, we heard a bang, and many people shouted in fear.

Once everyone quieted down, I, with my spidey senses, could hear approaching footsteps and weird noises. Then the door burst open. Three... things burst in. They must be aliens.

Quickly, they rushed over and grabbed the nearest person, which happened to be me. The cold point of their weapon rested against my forehead.

The alien holding me jerked me back, and started to pull me away. No one made a move to help me. Well I guess it is now or never. I tapped my watch twice and the Iron Spider suit covered me. Everyone gasped, but I ignored them. I have a bigger problem on my hands.

Third person's POV

Peter crouched, getting the aim of the weapon off his head and throwing the aliens off guard. As the alien who held the weapon to Peter's head moved his aim back to Peter, Peter swiped his legs in a long arc, knocking the alien onto his back. With a quick punch to the side of the head, the alien was knocked out cold. Peter flipped over the remaining two aliens.

"Hey alien dudes, over here! What did we ever do to you?"

Growling, the aliens split up and went to surround Peter. Thinking quickly, Peter shot a web at one of the aliens and yanked on the web hard, sending the alien flying over to him. Peter jumped out of the way, letting the aliens crash into each other.

As the one conscious alien, out of the three starting ones, started to rise again, Peter flipped over to the alien, landing on his shoulders and knocking him to the ground. Peter quickly started webbed him up but not quite fast enough. The alien reached over to his weapon and pressed a button, making a wave of energy explode out of it, and enter into the roof. There was an ominous creaking.

Peter's POV

I finished webbing up the alien, when another loud creak occurred. Quickly I turned to the rest of the school.

"You have to get out of here! The roof will collapse!" I tried shooting them out, but no avail as they stayed where they were, seemingly in shock.

Suddenly there was a huge groan, and the ceiling gave out, and started falling as one big piece. Without hesitation I fell into a crouch, one leg in front of the other, and knees bent.

"Everyone, get to the ground!!!" I yelled, and braced myself. Suddenly there was an excruciating weight on my hands and shoulders. Groaning I fell farther down onto my knees.

"Karen," I moaned, " call Mr. Stark."

Calling Mr. Stark. You seem to be under extreme strain. Should I tell him it is urgent?

"Sure, just hurry!"

Turning my attention to the wide-eyed people watching, I tried to shoo them away.

"Get out of here! You can't stay here!" 

Quickly my mask dissolved (it is the nanotech from infinity war) and I let my head hang, panting. Then we heard a whirring sound and Tony appeared. He sent tiny rocket robots which latched onto the ceiling around me. Letting out tiny bursts of flame, the robots pushed the ceiling up, relieving me, then lowered it down outside. Tony's face mask dissolved and he game me a concerned look.

"Are you okay kid?"

"Yes, Mr. Stark I'm fine."

He looked from me, to the kids around me, then back to me.

"So I take it that they know?"


Third person's POV

"Well Underoos, there are tons of aliens out there. We need all hands on deck."

"But Mr. Stark I am not an Avenger, don't you want only the professionals out there?"

Tony walked up to Peter and touched his hand to each shoulder.

"Well kid now your an Avenger. We need you out there. Let's go."

Tony re-created his face mask and blasted out of there. Peter, after standing there for a few moments in shock, re-formed his mask and swung out. Everyone rushed over to a hole in the wall (from when the roof collapsed) and watched the Avengers fight in awe. The scrawny boy who everyone always ignored was now flipping around, knocking aliens out and webbing others up. Who would've known?

Time skip: The day after the battle........

Peter walked through the doors of the school. The hall grew quickly quiet as everyone stared at Peter. Then as suddenly as it had gotten quiet, noise returned. Peter sighed in relief. The he stiffened as Flash walked up to Peter.

Without making eye contact, Flash muttered, " So you...."

Peter knew what he was asking. "Yeah..."

Flash turned to his cronies.

"I always told you Hawkeye was better. Puny Spiderman was never my favorite."

Smirking, Peter walked to his first class, meeting up with Ned and doing their special handshake. Although there were many things that were normal, he knew that things would never truly be the same again.

Yay! Second chapter is out! So, everyone how was it? Tell me any advice you have in the comments, I take all suggestions! So what should I do next?

1. Peter lifting Mjöllnir (Is that how you spell it?)

2. Reveal to world?

3. Tony adopts Peter

4. Suggest any ideas you have! (no promises on using them)

Please vote as soon as you can for the next one shot you want so I can start making it!

My goal is to get to One Hundred reads! 

My goal is to get to One Hundred reads! 

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