Man Undercover

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jodeci: dalvin
era: late 90s
song recommended: man undercover x aaliyah

The fine brown brother wore a new Coogi sweater and a pair of Versace shades. He wore his favorite tight black jeans and a pair of combat boots to match. He entered the cafe and looked around for his lover. Spotting her, he saw her fixing a customer a drink, and made his way over to her.

Her coworker/best friend alerted her which made her look up. "Lover boy's here, and he's looking delectable" She said licking her lips, as he sat down at the island, and waved at the both of them. Y/N dusted the dough off of her hands onto her apron and proceeded to her bag so she could go on break.

"If Dean comes, tell him I'm on break. Later Shantel" Y/N told her friend and got from behind the bar's counter. They walked arm and arm out of the cafe and walked over to his new black tinted Jeep. She sighed, yet another thing he brought to impress her. First, he brought her a pair of limited edition Jordan's, which she didn't mind until more things started to come. Then, he began changing his whole style up for her and taking her out more. She wanted to appreciate it, but she wasn't with the materialistic shit.

They drove off to their favorite alleyway (behind a movie theater) and sat in silence, well besides Y/N loudly munching on some potato chips. When they got there, he shut the car off and looked at her. Y/N looked out the window and said nothing. He could feel that she was tension so he brought her face to him, so he could read her.

"Dalvin, I have to be honest with you" She said and he nodded for her to continue. "I love you and all, but PLEASE stop buying shit." She scolded him and he raised his eyebrows higher than they already were. "What do you mean? I thought you liked this shit! I was doing this for you!"  He told her. "Baby, I'm thankful for all of this but you don't need no fly jeep to come and scoop me, drive what you own. You don't have to change yourself for me baby. Be you, cause I didn't get with you for your things, I got with you because I love YOU." She told him, shutting all that shit down. He was left speechless so they sat in silence.

"Alright I'll take back everything baby. I'll admit that I over did it. Even brought us a house in the hamptons..."He said mumbling the last part, but she heard him. She was estatic, she wanted a house with him because she wanted a nice place for their future kids. "BABY! You brought us a house?! Is it big?" She asked as she unbuckled her seat belt and jumped on his lap, hugging him.

"Yeah. Something for us and our future kids" He said. Hearing him say that kids are in their future sent her into overdrive. She put her hair into a ponytail and turned on the radio. Ironically, Knocking The Boots was playing. She pulled his pants down and will, you know the rest.

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