Chapter 1: Reunion

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Mei walks out of Iwatobi Highschool where she and her friends attend. The four used to attend Sano up until 2 weeks ago. They are inseparable from each other. No matter what, they are tied together with a thread of value and true friendship. Much like the four other boys....

Kaoru and Haruki are waiting outside and they wave when they spot Mei. When Mei reaches them, Kaoru has a ecstatic look on his face. "Did you get them? Did you get them?!", he asks with no rest. Haruki looks curious as well. Mei smiles and holds up "Swim Club Registration" forms.

"Yup!", Mei says as she hands one to Haruki and Kaoru. The two smile huge grins and notice Osumu isn't with Mei this time.

"Oi... Where is Osumu?", Haruki asks worriedly. Osumu suddenly appeared from behind and flicks the back of Haruki and Kaoru's heads.

"I'm right here... You are as dumb as ever. You can't even take a look behind you... Maybe you do need a 2nd pair of eyes in the back of your head so you can see more things. You are as blind as a bat.", Osumu teases as he comes to stand next to Kaoru.

"Ha ha.", Haruki laughs in a fake way.

"Aright Alright! Calm down girls. We have to fill out these forms and return them to the office or the club captain before next week so we can officially become members of the swim club! But of course, we have to try out first.", Mei yells with confidence. "Now, let's go!!"

"Yeah!!", the boys yell out as Mei leads them to the pool. They have no idea who is on the team. They found it a little odd how they haven't saw their former rivals for years. Mei wonders if her cousin attends the school and if Haruka, Makoto, and Nagisa attend as well. She has a good feeling they do, but they just never see them around.

As the 4 round around the corner that leads to the pool outside, they gasp at the sight.

"Wow! Look at how big it is!!", Kaoru shouts as he grabs Haruki's arm and pulls him closer. Mei and Osumu walk side by side and gaze at the sight. The sunlight reflects upon the glimmering water contained in a large pool. Not huge but it is descent size for practicing. Mei looks around.

A small, old looking building containing various locker rooms, sits behind them. A fence surrounds the whole parameter of the pool. Trees sit on top of a small hill surrounding the fences bellow. Mei smells the fresh air. The chlorine is strong. The summer breeze blows against her face.

'The last summer, and the first time swimming at this school...'

Suddenly, a door opens from the locker rooms behind them and 4 boys walk out. Mei, Osumu, Kaoru, and Haruki turn around and their eyes widen as well as 3 of the boys who walked out.

"Y- You.", the dark haired boy with blue sapphires glowing in the sun. Haruka. Makoto and Nagisa too.

Kaoru and Haruki run up the the boys and jump up and down like little girls. "It's you guys! We haven't saw you in forever!", Kaoru shouts. Makoto smiles and laughs.

"Yeah... It has been a while. What have you guys been up too?", he asks.

"Nothing much! We all transfered here not too long ago.", Haruki adds.

"I see your parents are still so close that they will move anywhere you go huh!? That must be cool!!", Nagisa laughs.

Haruka walks over to Mei and Osumu. He smiles a little. "It's good to see our old rivals." Mei nods and smiles as well.

"It's funny how we are going to join your team. Now we get to see how much each of us improved.", Mei says. Osumu smirks and pats Haruka's bare back.

"You sure have grown. As well as your friends." Osumu then notices the awkward young man with the red famed glasses from the picture they saw not too long ago. Osumu walks over to the boy. As soon as the boy spots Osumu, he finches upward and stands straight.

"So, you must have been a new recruit not too long ago huh?", Osumu predicts.

"Um.. Well... Actually, I joined last year...", he says nervously. Osumu chuckles.

"Ya know, I'm not scary. No need to stand so straight like a statue. You will become stiff and then won't be able to swim.", Osumu reassures. "What's your name? I'm Ikuta Osumu."

"Um.. Ryugazaki Rei. N- Nice to meet you.", he says.

Mei claps her hands and everyone turns around to face her. "Well, how about we have a little relay?" But then she gets a call on her cellphone. Everyone laughs including Rei who is starting to get used to the new members already even though they haven't joined yet.

Mei sighs as she answers a while rounding around the corner of the locker rooms.

"Oi Mei! It's been a while!", says a deepish sounding voice. Mei immediately recognizes the voice in a heart beat. The same one who loved racing when they were younger. The one who never got angry over losing to her. The one who she feels really close to even if they are far away.

"Rin?! After all of these years, you couldn't call?!", Mei screeches happily. She hears Rin laugh on the other line.

"Well. Ya know I didn't have your number so how was I supposed to? Anyway, you know I missed you guys! Kaoru's mom told my mom that you guys were back here so she decided to give me your phone number!", Rin cheers.

"That's awesome! I can't wait to see you! Do you live in the same place?"

"Well... No. I actually live in a dorm. I attend Samezuka Academy. I guess they call it the 'Swimming Powerhouse'."

"Oh. So you still swim then?"

"Of course! We both have the same dream. To rise to the top!"

"My dream isn't in the same perspective as yours. I don't want to rise to the top. Sure that would be nice, but wouldn't swimming for others, or swimming with others seem more fun?"

"Eh. That doesn't really matter to me. You know why I want to anyway. My dad wanted the same thing, but he couldn't achieve that dream. So I'm doing it for him."

"Yeah I know that. Never mind that. So when do you want me to come?"

"Um... Visiting hours are from 10am-2:00am. So any time from then. It's Friday anyway but I'm staying in the dorms. Extra practice ya know. The next tournament is coming soon. And its the last one of my highschool reign."

"So are you swimming the relay and individuals events too? Cause I would love to do both but it depends."

"Yeah I will do both. And I know you are joining the guys right? They will probably swim the relay. But I actually formed my own team ya know! As well as becoming the captain of the team."

"What?! Really?! That's awesome!"

"I also have a little old pal on my team. Sousuke.


"What? Cat got your tongue?"

Mei knows he doesn't know what is wrong. Yamazaki Sousuke. The one who broke her heart for a dumb reason. He used to attend Sano as of a few weeks ago. Something happened to him and he dumped Mei right in front of the school. She didn't know what happened. She became depressed and still is. The only ones who knew they dated was Osumu, Kaoru, and Haruki. Osumu become angry and even gave Sousuke a bloody nose.

"Ah... It's nothing."

"Hm? You sure? You sound sad all of a sudden."

"No no. I'm fine. Don't worry."

"Oh. Okay. Anyway, I'll talk to you later!"

"Kay. See you later Rin."

She hangs up the phone and sighs while looking up at the sky. She misses Sousuke. By she wants to know what happened to him to make him act the way he did... It was a terrible break up and no one would want to go through it... Mei holds back her tears and goes back to join her new team.

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