A Good Cry

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It was a hot afternoon in November and Toots, Cuddles, Sherlock, John and Mycroft sat together on the porch of Toot’s house. They had all been happily gossiping in Toot’s room, when Toot’s Mother had come in and shooed them all out of the house.

Mycroft wiped the back of his neck with a hankie from his purse. “Toots, I don’t get it. Why does your Mom always shoo us out of the house when Liberace comes on?”

Toots shrugged and took another sip from her cola. “I don’t know maybe she has a crush on him.”

Sherlock snickered. “Well, good luck to her on that one. I’m pretty sure that Liberace was gay.”

Toots and Cuddles looked at each other in confusion. “Gay?” Cuddles asked aloud. “He does seem happy, but what does that have to do with Toot’s Mom’s crush?”

Sherlock sighed and in the most imperious tone a teenage girl could manage he spoke, “Your Mom would not have any luck dating Liberace because he likes…” Sherlock’s sentence was cut off when John kicked the side of Sherlock’s foot. “Ouch, look what you did to my saddle oxford.” Sherlock wined as he inspected the scuff on his shoe.

“So, speaking of crushes do you like anyone at school?” Toots asked Sherlock.

Sherlock looked back blankly at Toots. “What do you mean?”

Toots laughed. “Sheryl, you are such a scream. What kind of guy would you want to go steady with?”

When Sherlock didn’t answer Cuddles chimed in with her opinion. “I want a boy that’s kind and chivalrous, you know my knight in shining armor-my future husband.”  

Toots laughed. “Cuddles, you are such a romantic. I want to marry an old man with one foot on a banana peel and the other in the grave.”

Toots and Cuddles laughed. After their laughter subsided Sherlock took a drag on a cigarette he had lit and fished out of his purse and commented, “Well, at least you’re practical.”

“Sheryl, put that cigarette out. If my Mom catches you she will have a fit.” Toots admonished.

Sherlock took another purposeful long drag on his cigarette. “Toots, don’t be such a square. Your Mom is going to be holed up in the house with her fake boyfriend for at least a half hour.”

Toots frowned at Sherlock. “Hey, who are you calling square?”

Cuddles the peacemaker quietly but firmly interrupted the discussion. “Okay, let’s change the subject. Sheryl, you never answered us. What kind of boyfriend-husband do you want?” Cuddles asked.

Sherlock didn’t answer for a moment or two and then without hesitation he answered.” If I were to date I would want my boyfriend to be honest, true and brave.”

Toots nudged Sherlock in the ribs. “He sounds perfect, maybe a Doctor or perhaps a soldier?”

“Or maybe both?” Mycroft said mockingly.

“Okay, smarty pants, what sort of man do you want?” Toots asked Mycroft.

Mycroft grabbed Sherlock’s cigarette out of his hand took a drag and answered. “I’m going to remain an old maid librarian.”

John nodded. “Yep, that sounds about right.”

Toots pointedly looked over at John. “Okay, so what kind of man do you want?”

John cleared his throat. “Um well I guess I want a hero. After all doesn’t everyone want someone who makes them feel safe-less alone?”

Cuddles smiled. “That’s really sweet Jean, so I guess that makes you a romantic too.”

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