Nervous voices could be heard and were cut off at the defining boom of drums; war drums. Everyone seemed to be at a stand still but me. I was walking around looking for Bellamy. Low and behold, he stood still looking horrified at the location of the sound. I grabbed his arm and he flinched, "We have to go. "

He looked at me and his expression softened before he grabbed my hand and we were walking fast to one of the foxholes. When we got there we were faced with a few others pointing their guns at the forest, "Where's Octavia?" Asked Bellamy.

The kid, Miller, shrugged, "She left 5 minutes ago. Didn't say where to. She thinks she's a damn samurai."

I aimed my gun at the trees, "See anything?" I asked quietly. 

"What the hell are they waiting for" Miller seemed to anxiously whisper at the forest. 

"The longer they wait, the better. This is about buying time for Raven." Replied Bellamy. 

My radio spoke, " I see them. They're moving! I count two, 3, no, wait, there's more. I don't know, man. There's too many of them." Gunfire went off and my eyes flashed with an image making me brush it off. The focus was now; not the past.  

"Who was that? Sterling, I think. South foxhole. South foxhole, report now." Bellamy asked.

The radio started again, "Yeah, yeah. We're ok. They didn't attack. It's like... it's like shooting at ghosts." 

I aimed towards the forest and saw figures darting.  "I see them!" yelled Miller and he and the girl both shot. I wasted two bullets and hit one; making him go down before I realized what they were doing. "Hey, hold your fire!" I yelled over the bullet spread.

Their guns clicked and I cussed to myself. "We should... we should fall back." Said Miller.

Bellamy shook his head, I knew he had only wasted a few shots, "No. If this position falls, they'll walk right to the front door."

"They're everywhere! Harper, get down! We need backup!"Spoke Jasper over the comm. There was an explosion to my left not even rattling me, "Raven, our mines actually worked!"

"Jasper, we need you in the dropship right now." Spoke Clarke. 

Bellamy raised his transceiver, "Negative. We can't give up the west woods."

"The west woods are mined, Bellamy. The grounders just figured that out. Jasper, get in here." She replied. 

There was a pause over the radios, " All gunners, listen up. The grounders are not attacking. They're making us waste bullets. Don't shoot when they're running laterally."

I pulled my radio from the ground, "He's right, it's a tactic that will only kill us. Expect them to attack soon. Don't shoot until you see the whites of their eyes."

There seemed to be a calm before a couple shots rang out and all went to hell. A loud war cry was let out and I shot multiple shots along side of Bellamy. The girl with us had ran and Miller was starting to turn as a few came over the wall. I shot at least three and then pulled out my knife; dropping the now empty clip. I sliced one of their legs, slowing him down and attacking the grounder that was now after Miller. I raised my knife and sliced the grounders ear leaving a bleeding stump before plunging the knife into his gut. I heard struggling and saw Bellamy being choked. I ran the best I could but a figure sliced a blade through the man's head, Octavia. 

I walked over to the two and heard Octavia's smart remark, "Admit it. You want one." An arrow flew past my head and landed in Octavia's side making her grunt. 

"You're hit! Miller and Elpis, fall back, now." Miller retreated but I pulled the bow from my back staring down the treeline before finding the fain black outline and shot at the individual. He fell down the tree on my first arrow. Bellamy was reassuring Octavia and they started walking back while I stared at the tree line following them as quickly as I could. The two limped back to the game and I had shot 5 more arrows over the time; connecting all of them with my targets. We had struggled to get back to the ship having to make many detours. 

I heard loud shouting close by and looked back slightly, another group of grounders was fighting the enemy. Bellamy sat Octavia at a tree and we had all taken a breather, "What the hell is that?"

bellamy shook his head, "I don't know, but they're distracted. Let's move." 

He went to pick her up but she stopped him, "We'll never make it. Leave me. I'll find another way." I envisioned a red haired girl from my past who was in the same situation. 

"Im not going anywhere without you."

I heard rushing and lifted my bow but soon relaxed as Lincoln was next to us, "Octavia?"

She struggled to hug him as she spoke his name with a relieved voice. "You did this?" Asked Bellamy.

He nodded, "With Finn." He examined Octavia's wound, "It's deep. I can help you, but you have to come with me now." I knew he was only referring to Octavia.

Bellamy looked at me and I smiled lightly before he spoke, "Go. Let him help."

"No way. I have to see this through." She answered.

"You can't walk and I can't get you back to the dropship."

"He's right. This fight is over for you." Agreed Lincoln. 

Bellamy sniffled, he didn't know if this would be the last time he saw her, " O, listen to me. I told you my life ended the day you were born. The truth is... it didn't start until then. Go with him. I need you to live. Besides... I got this." The siblings held each other in a hug and I looked to Lincoln before flashing a light smile. 

"I love you, big brother."

He set a hand on her face, "May we meet again."

The two cried lightly and Bellamy lifted her on one side while Lincoln on the other. They both held stares, "Keep her safe." 

I put a hand on Bellamy's shoulder as Lincoln ran off with the Blake sister. We both ducked behind the tree and took in short breaths as we heard a shout, "To the wall!" I had assumed they murdered the ones attacking. 

"We have to go." I whispered before following the group of grounders from the hill. We had found one of the fox holes and entered the camp. We stood there for a millisecond taking in the grounders that were being shot but returning the actions by stabbing kids with knives and other weapons. 

A well known grounder that I thought was Anya's second look at us before he ran at us with another man at his side. I raised my bow and aimed at his head but my shot was pushed the the side by the unknown man, knocking the bow from my hand. I fought in hand to hand combat with him, knowing he had the upper hand from my worn body and injuries. He slammed me to the ground and put his hands to my neck. I felt air leave my throat but looked to the side to see Bellamy now on the ground, the well known man about to plunge a speak in him. I felt an arrow's stick sitting on the side of my back and with one last adrenaline rush I pulled it from my pack and stuck it in the man's neck. 

I regained my balance and realized Finn was now with us; he had shot Anya's second. Clarke retreated into the ship and a grounder started to attack Finn. I scrambled for my bow before pulling the arrow out of the deceased man's neck and aiming at Finn's attacker hitting his square in the head. Grounders seemed fixed on us before the ship's door closed leaving them to attack the door looking for a way to get in. I looked to the two boys, "Run, now!"

I started running, my adrenaline pumping as I lost both Bellamy and Finn in the woods. I stopped when I was behind a large tree where the camp was still in sight. I watched in horror as the light of fire came before the loud boom of the ship. I heard screams of agony from the distance and turned to a crack behind me. Turning I raised my bow to see and advancing grounder. I was tackled to the ground struggling as I was strangled again; but this time I had no weapons. I pulled to grounders mask to reveal a teenage boy painted in paint. His blonde hair was masked with bits of the color green. I took in his hazel eyes as black filled my vision and I blacked out. 

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