Chapter 4 "I Wanted More"

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Arriving back at the District, Shaylynn walks up the stairs into the Intelligence Bullpen.
Right away she makes eye contact with Antonio. She nods toward the locker room to let him know she wants to talk.
Quickly walking in that direction, Antonio follows her a minute later.

Walking into the locker room, Antonio doesn't see her right away. He walks toward the back and sees her waiting on him, "I saw you earlier with Lexi," he tells her with a smile.
"Here," Shaylynn says handing Antonio a piece of paper.
"What's this?" he asks her.
"Lexi's schedule for when she stays overnight with friends," Shaylynn tells him, "She gave it to me earlier."
"Why did she give you this for?" he asks.
"Because she knows her Dad has needs and doesn't want him picking up random women in bars," she tells him, "She found my note I left you after that first night."
Antonio starts turning red, "How many kids do you have?" she asks him.
"Three," he tells her, "Lexi lives with me because her Mother OD'd."
"Please tell me Lexi wasn't there the night I came back to your place and she found the note by chance somewhere else?" Shaylynn asks him.
Antonio stays silent, "Antonio!" Shaylynn says.
"Yes, she was there," Antonio tells Shaylynn, "I had a lot going on in my head that night and then what happened in the bathroom at the bar I wanted more," he tells her pulling her to him.
"I don't know what to think having Lexi give me her schedule of when she's not there so you and I can have sex at your place," Shaylynn says.
"Lexi is grown up for her age," Antonio says, "Unfortunately, she had to grow up quickly. If this is too much for you," he starts to say until Shaylynn stops him.
"You can't get rid of me that easily," she says then kisses him.
She backs up from him when she hears someone walk into the locker room. Turning around, she walks out, Antonio walking out a few minutes later meeting up with her down the hallway.
"How long are we going to sneak around?" Shaylynn asks him, "My Dad isn't going to say anything. He already loves you."
"Adam already knows," Antonio tells her.
Shaylynn looks at him surprised, "How did he find out?"
"When I got out of your SUV before going into the strip club. I had your lipstick on me," he says.
She shakes her head, "We should just tell everyone, especially Jay."
Antonio gives her a look, "Why especially him?" he asks.
"Because he asked me out," Shaylynn tells him.
"Yeah, it's time to tell everyone!" Antonio expresses not liking what he heard.
They start walking toward the Bullpen when Burgess comes around the corner, "Come on guys, we have a case."
Shaylynn looks at Antonio surprised Burgess included her.
Hurrying out, everyone is standing there looking at Antonio and Shaylynn.
Hank is standing in the front smiling, he holds something up, "Welcome to the Unit!" he says letting a badge fall out of his hands as he looks at Shaylynn.
She looks over at Antonio, "Go," he tells her.
Shaylynn walks up to Hank smiling. He takes the badge that's on a chain and puts it over her head, letting it rest on her neck.
"You'll be partnered with Kevin," Hank tells her, Shaylynn turns to Atwater and smiles, "Alright everyone, let's get going!"
"You're car or mine?" Atwater asks her as they walk down the stairs.
Shaylynn looks over at him, "We probably should take your car. With you being so tall and built and I don't think you'll fit in mine," she tells him as they reach the bottom of the stairs.
Atwater looks at her funny, "What do you have? A Mini Cooper?"
"No, I have a Viper," she tells him.
Atwater smiles, "Oh, I'll fit!" he tells her, "Let's go."
Shaylynn smiles and shakes her head as she follows Atwater out.


Arriving at the scene, the Intelligence Unit walks into the house.
A Uniformed Officer walks up to Hank, "Upstairs," the Officer tells him.
"What is it?" Hank asks.
"Alderman McKenzie was shot in his bed with a woman," the Officer tells him.
"So he and his wife were shot," Hank says.
The Officer shakes his head 'no', "It's not his wife but a prostitute."
Hank nods as he, Antonio, and Shaylynn walk upstairs.
Walking into the bedroom they see the Alderman is on top of the woman.
Hank walks over to the bed, "He was shot in the back," he tells the others, "Must have gone through him and into her."
"Boss, the wife is sitting in a patrol car," Ruzek tells him.
"Have her taken to the District.  As of right now, she's our main suspect," Hank tells him.
"On it Boss!" Ruzek says heading back downstairs.
"I'll head back downstairs," Shaylynn tells Hank and Antonio.
She walks out of the room and heads toward the stairs. Walking past a hall closet the door swings open and a guy jumps out jumping onto Shaylynn's back sending them both down the stairs. Reaching the bottom they both hit hard with the guy landing on top of her.
He puts his hands around Shaylynn's neck and starts strangling her.
She starts punching him in the head but he won't let go when she feels him getting off.
When she looks, she sees Antonio has the guy up against the wall punching him.
"Antonio!" Hank yells at him as he crouches down beside Shaylynn.
Antonio stops as Ruzek and Halstead rush in and grab the guy, "Find out who he is!" Hank tells them as he helps Shaylynn sit up, "Are you alright?" he asks her.
"Yes," she tells him.
"You still have to get checked out by the paramedics," he tells her, "You took a hard fall down those stairs."
"Alright," she says sitting on the floor.
Hank stands up, walks over to the Antonio, "Kitchen, now!" he tells him.
Antonio follows Hank to the kitchen, Hank turns around and looks at him, "There's something going on between you and Shaylynn isn't there?!"
Antonio doesn't know what to say, "The way you acted at the scene when that guy stuck her and now here are the same!" Hank tells him.
Hank stands there staring at him, "Yes, we're dating," he tells Hank.
"Why didn't you guy say something earlier?" Hank asks.
"Because she's your daughter and now she's part of the Unit," Antonio says.
"Adam and Hailey are dating," Hank reminds him.
"But Hailey isn't your daughter," Antonio reminds him.
"You better make it public because I've seen the way Jay looks at her," Hank tells Antonio.
Antonio looks at him surprised, "You're alright with it?" he asks.
"Yes, but I expect you two to still do your jobs and be professional. Once you walk out the doors and are off the clock, what you two do is your business," Hank tells him, "We better get back out there and see how Shaylynn is plus find out who that guy is."
Hank walks out of the kitchen with Antonio behind him.
They see the guy has been taken outside along with Shaylynn who's over by an Ambulance.
"Go ahead and see how she is," Hank tells Antonio.
Antonio heads over to Ambulance as Hank walks over to the rest of the Unit.
Halstead sees that Antonio isn't walking over with Hank but heading toward the Ambulance.
"Why is he going over there for?" Halstead asks Hank.
Hank glares at him, "What did you find out about the guy who jumped Shaylynn? And did you find out why the house wasn't searched better?" Hank asks anyone.
"No one is saying why the house wasn't searched better," Burgess tells him.
"As for the guy, he's the woman's pimp. When she never showed up to give him his money, he came looking for her. That's when he found the Alderman and her in bed then heard sirens. So he hid in the hallway closet because CPD were coming in the door before he could get downstairs and escape," Upton tells him.
"Did he say why he attacked Shaylynn?" Hank asks.
"No," Ruzek says.
The whole time everyone's talking, Halstead keeps his eyes on what's going on over at the Ambulance.

Antonio stands in front of Shaylynn who's sitting on the Ambulance bumper with an ice pack on the back of her head.
"You okay?" he asks her.
"Yeah, I'm going to have one hell of a headache though," she says looking up at him as the Paramedic walks away, "You need to stop going off like you just did," she tells him.
"I can't help it!" Antonio tells her, "Anyways, Hank now knows about us."
"What did he say?" she asks.
"He's fine with it as long as we do our jobs and are professional. After hours, he said what we do is our business," Antonio tells her.
Shaylynn smiles at him, "I told you," she says as she flinches at the pain in her neck.


Back at the District, everyone makes their way upstairs.
Hank is about ready to head into his office when he stops, "Listen up everyone, Antonio and Shaylynn have an announcement!"
Both Antonio and Shaylynn look at him in shock, "Go ahead," Hank tells them.
Shaylynn looks at Antonio who sighs, "Shaylynn and I are dating," he tells everyone.
Most of them smile except one, "Are we going to get on with this case?" Halstead asks.


The day ends and it's time to head home.
Shaylynn starts heading over to her Viper. She gets ready to open the door until Antonio stops her.
"You're coming home with me," Antonio tells her.
Shaylynn looks at him surprised, "What about my car?" she asks.
"I'm sure it will be just fine here at the District," he tells her leading her over to his car.
He opens the passenger side door for her, Shaylynn gets in, "Are you trying to get me in bed, Mr. Dawson?" she asks looking up at him smiling.
Antonio doesn't know what to say to that. He gets a shitty grin on his face and closes the door. 


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Walking into Antonio's place, they see Lexi sitting at the table doing her homework.
She looks over to see Shaylynn's with her Dad, "Shaylynn was in an accident today," he tells his daughter, "She's going to be staying here tonight so I can keep an eye on her."
"What happened?" Lexi asks Shaylynn as Antonio walks to the kitchen.
"A guy jumped out of a hallway closet and jumped on my back, knocking us down the stairs," she tells Lexi as Antonio walks over to Shaylynn handing her an ice pack for her head.
"How about pizza for supper tonight?" he asks both ladies.
"Antonio, I can take care of myself at home," Shaylynn tells him.
"You might as well forget it!" Lexi tells her, "Once he gets something in his head it's a done deal! He says you're staying here so he can keep his eyes on you, you're staying here. I'll take my work and go to my room."
"I'll let you know when the pizzas here," Antonio tells her.
"Alright," Lexi says as she walks to her room.
A minute later they hear a door close, "I don't have anything to sleep in," Shaylynn tells him.
Antonio smiles at her with the same shitty smile, "Antonio!" Shaylynn says smacking him on the arm.
"What?" he asks, "I'm sure I can loan you a T-shirt," he tells her.
Shaylynn glares at him, "It won't fit my chest," she tells.
Antonio's smile gets bigger, Shaylynn shakes her head, "Looks like bra and panties for me tonight," she says.
"Or you can just sleep in nothing," Antonio says his smile getting even bigger as he leans over and kisses her.


The character Lexi belongs to ChloeOgradyXo

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