Chapter 3 "About The Note"

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Pulling up in front of Laura's house, Antonio gets out of the car and walks over to the passenger side.
He opens the back door to get the crutches out.
Opening his door, Diego swings his legs out as Antonio closes the back door.
Turning his attention to Diego, he hands him the crutches and helps him stand up.
Diego hops away from the car as Antonio closes Diego's door.

Hopping up to the front door Antonio looks at Diego, "Do you have your key?" he asks.
"It's back at Tommy's," Diego tells him.
Antonio knocks. Waiting for a minute no one comes.
He knocks again. The same thing, no one answers.
"Where's Eva?" Antonio asks.
"She's staying at a friends," Diego tells him, "Since she's there and I was at Tommy's, Mom and Stan most likely went out."
"Alright, let's go," Antonio says helping Diego back to the car, "We need to go back to Med and pick Shaylynn up," he tells his son as he helps him into the car.
Once Diego's in, Antonio puts the crutches in the backseat, and heads over to the driver's side.
He pulls away and starts heading back to Med.
"Do you like Shaylynn?" Diego asks his Dad.
"Yes, I like her," Antonio tells him.
"Enough to marry her?" Diego asks.
"Whoa, let's slow down," Antonio says, "Where did that come from?"
"The way you look at her is different," Diego tells him.
"How do I look at her?" Antonio asks.
"Like if something happened to her you would die," Diego says, "The way you look at Shaylynn is totally different then how you looked at Sylvie."
Antonio sits there listening to his son talk as he pulls up in front of Med, "Will you be alright while I go in and get Shaylynn?" Antonio asks.
"Yeah, but she's walking this way," Diego says looking out the window.
Antonio hurries and gets out of the car and quickly makes his way over to her.
"How you feeling?" he asks her.
"Groggy," she tells him as they walk over to the car.
"I'll have Diego get in the back," Antonio says.
"You guys didn't leave?" Shaylynn asks.
"Yes, we left. His mother wasn't home," Antonio tells her.
He starts walking up to the passenger door, "Don't you dare!" Shaylynn tells him, "I'll sit in the back."
Antonio looks at her, "He has a broken leg. Leave him where he is."
He smiles and opens the back door instead, pulling the crutches out to put them in the trunk.
Shaylynn starts getting into the backseat, "If you give me a minute I'll get out and you can sit up here," Diego tells her reaching for the door handle.
"No, you stay where you are," she tells him as Antonio closes her door. He walks around and gets into the driver's seat, "I see chivalry hasn't died with the Dawson men."
Antonio and Diego look at each other and smile, "Where am I taking you?" Antonio asks Shaylynn.
"I need to get my SUV," she tells him.
"Hank already took care of it," Antonio tells her.
"Okay," Shaylynn says then proceeds to tell him her address.
Antonio pulls up the navigation on the touch screen on his dash, "What are you doing?" Diego asks him.
"I'm not familiar with where that is," Antonio tells him.
He types in her address, the directions come up as Antonio pulls away.


Driving through Shaylynn's neighborhood, Antonio now knows why he's not familiar with where she lives.
Diego is loving looking at all the different houses.
The lady in the navigation system tells Antonio he needs to turn right to arrive at his destination.
Turning right, Antonio pulls up to a huge black iron gate with a security box off to the side.
Both Antonio and Diego look at each other, "Since I don't have my opener you'll have to punch in forty-six nineteen," she tells Antonio.
He puts his window down and punches in the numbers she told him.
The gate starts opening in front of him, he drives through and up the driveway.
Coming to the end, both he and Diego see her house, "WHOA!" Diego says as Antonio stops the car.

Coming to the end, both he and Diego see her house, "WHOA!" Diego says as Antonio stops the car

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

Antonio gets out of the car, walks around it, and opens Shaylynn's door.
"Want to know a fun fact about the house?" she asks Diego before getting out.
"Yeah," he says.
"The house use to be owned by Al Capone. I'm still finding hidden doors that lead to secret passageways and rooms," she tells him.
"Cool!" Diego says, "Bye, Shaylynn!"
"Bye, Diego!" she says as Antonio puts his hand out to her to help her out.
She puts her hand on his and gets out.
Antonio closes the door then walks her up to her door, "How are you going to get in?" he asks her.
She moves a panel by the door and puts a code in. Antonio hears a click and knows the door is unlocked.
"I appreciate you coming back to Med to take me home. You know I could have gotten an Uber," she tells him.
Antonio puts his hands on her hips, "There is no way I would have let you take an Uber," he tells her.
Shaylynn looks into his eyes and can tell he wants to kiss her but he's probably not sure if he should in front of Diego.
She kisses Antonio instead of waiting for him to make the first move.
Antonio backs up from her and smiles, "I better get going and get Diego back to my place. Hopefully, he can get a little more sleep."
Shaylynn nods and kisses him again.
She opens the door and walks inside, "Bye, Antonio."
"Bye," he says.
He turns around and walks down the steps hearing Shaylynn closing the door behind him.


The next day in the parking lot at the District, Shaylynn gets out of her Viper to see uniformed officers staring at her, "Shaylynn!" one of them yells. 

"What?" she asks them as a girl walks up behind her

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

"What?" she asks them as a girl walks up behind her.
"Where does a Detective get the money for a car like that?" the officer asks her.
"I'm not a Detective," she tells him, "I'm an Assassin."
All of the officer's eyes get huge, they hurry inside.
Shaylynn starts laughing as she shakes her head, "Excuse me," she hears come from behind her.
Shaylynn turns around to see a girl with long black hair standing behind her, "You're Shaylynn, right?" she asks.
"Yes," Shaylynn says wondering how this girl knows her.
"My name is Alexandria but everyone calls me Lexi," she tells Shaylynn, "My father's Antonio."
Shaylynn smiles at her, "Did your Dad tell you about him and me?" she asks Lexi.
"No, I found a note that you wrote. Something about thanks for a wonderful night. As I was walking out, I heard that guy yell your name so I put it all together," Lexi tells her.
Shaylynn gets a surprised look on her face, "Lexi, about the note," she says until Lexi stops her.
"You two are grown adults," she says, "I want my Dad happy, he deserves it. I thought he was at one time but they were worlds apart," Lexi tells Shaylynn looking at the gun on her hip, "Since it seems you and him are in the same world, maybe he can be happy this time. Plus my half sister and brothers mother can be a handful. The last girlfriend couldn't handle her. By the looks of you, I don't think you would have a problem."
Lexi gets in her bag and pulls out a notebook that has a pen attached to it, she opens it up and starts writing, "This is for you," she tells Shaylynn as she tears out the paper and hands it to her.
"What is this?" Shaylynn asks her taking the paper from her then looks at it.
"I live with my Dad so this is my schedule of when I usually stay with friends overnight," Lexi tells Shaylynn smiling.
"Lexi," Shaylynn says.
"As much as I don't want to think about it, my Dad's a guy and guys have needs. I don't want him going to bars and picking up random women," Lexi says as Shaylynn looks down trying not to smile, "I'd like to see him find the right woman and settle down."
Shaylynn smiles at her, "Where you heading too?" she asks Lexi.
"To school," Lexi tells her.
"Get in. I'll take you," Shaylynn tells her.
Lexi looks at her confused, " Are you sure? You'll be late for work."
"That won't be a problem. Hank Voight's my Dad," Shaylynn tells Lexi as she opens the driver's door.
Lexi walks around to the passenger side and opens the door, "Really?" she questions.
"Yes," Shaylynn says as she closes the door and puts on her seatbelt as does Lexi, "Which school do you go to?" Shaylynn asks.
Lexi proceeds to tell her what school she goes to as Antonio walks out of the District seeing Lexi in the car with Shaylynn.
Shaylynn starts the car up and drives away while Antonio smiles at the sight of his daughter with his girlfriend.


The character Alexandria "Lexi" belongs to ChloeOgradyXo

Diamond In The Rough, Lost In Chicago (Chicago PD/Antonio Dawson)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα