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He smiled to himself as he walked home, sending a quick text to his mom that he'd be home soon. Brendon felt the sort of dread that had left him while hanging out with his new friends, but returned as soon as that house came into view. He felt a shiver run up his spine as Brendon walked past the house, a rusty swing in the overgrown garden started to swing gently startling Brendon enough to pick up his walk into a light jog which turned into a run as he dashed inside his house slamming the door behind him.

"Brendon? Is everything okay?" His mother called from the kitchen after hearing the door slam.

"I'm fine mom!" He yelled walking to the kitchen.

"Did you have fun out there?" She asked. His mom was putting away some of the kitchen wear she hadn't trusted the movers with.

"It was great! I met these two guys named Pete and Patrick. They showed me around a bit and we had a lot of fun!" Brendon said giving his mom a happy smile. She hugged him.

"I'm so happy for you, honey. You seemed so heartbroken when we left" Brendon still felt a little hurt by the move but it felt nice to be able to make friends and his mom being happy for him was always a great feeling.

"I'm still a little upset...can I go see if Dallon can call?" Brendon asked hopefully.

"Of course you can. I'll call you down when dinner is ready. We're having chili" She rubbed his head smiling warmly at him as she pulled away to continue chopping vegetables for their dinner. Brendon smiled happily at her before running upstairs to his room.

There were only three boxes in his room currently, the rest would come in the moving truck tomorrow. For now he has a box of clothes, box of his personal items, and a box of bedding. Brendon felt awkward about sleeping in bedding that wasn't his and since he was told there would be a mattress in his room when he got there, the obvious decision seemed to be bringing his sheets, blankets, and a few pillows. Sure enough, there was a mattress propped up in the corner of the room.

The room was pretty normal sized. There was a window on the far wall, walk-in closet to his left, an empty bookshelf left behind to his right, and a slightly dusty wood floor. Brendon smiled to himself as he put the mattress flat on the floor and started putting his bed together. After a few minutes he had one box empty and his computer plugged in. He decided to call Dallon before moving to the other boxes, maybe he could unload another box during the call. He quickly logged into Skype and sent a message to his best friend asking if he could call.

Brendon and Dallon had a weird relationship. They teased each other and had their fair share of fights but they were still best friends and in a way, they needed each other.

Dallon didn't get along well with his parents. Ever since he came out in middle school, things with them had changed. They had always strict when it came to their son, but him coming out as bisexual was like the worst thing Dallon could ever do to them. Brendon could never forget the pain on Dallon's face when he came to Brendon's house. It was one in the morning, but that didn't matter as Dallon sobbed on the couch about how his parents threatened to kick him out. How they refused to have a son that was interested in other men. They spent that night crying and trying to find places Dallon could go if their threat turned to reality. Brendon's mom had been so accepting when he came out to her. Making Brendon feel even worse about what happened to his best friend.

Brendon couldn't count the amount of times Dallon had spent the night at Brendon's, sometimes coming at midnight because he couldn't take being around them. They were more like brothers than friends, but Brendon was fine with that. The taller boy is his best friend and nothing could change that.

He was a quarter-way through the second box when Dallon messaged back. 'Sure. I missed you :)' Brendon smiled at the message and hit the call button, Dallon's face soon filling the screen.

"Bren! Man, school is so boring without you"

Brendon had almost forgotten that their, or Brendon's old school now, starts a week earlier than this new one.

"It feels like forever since I've talked to you. Who do you have this year?" Brendon asked the old habit of sharing their teachers.

Dallon sighed pulling out the piece of paper that held his schedule. "Mr. Way, both Ways actually dang"

"Do you have Iero?" Brendon butted in.

"Uh yeah, 5th period history with Frank Iero."

Brendon started laughing. "Oh god I had them both last year. Prepare to be a messenger for Gerard and Frank. They pass notes and I think I still have some of them"

Dallon put his head down and groaned "Are you serious? Fuck that's just great. I'm reading every note I get"
"Do it, Dal. They get nasty" Brendon smirked. "How's your love triangle going?"

Dallon blushed. "I don't know what you're talking about. Breezy and I are in a lovely relationship and there is no one else."

"Come on, Dal. I've seen the way you look at Ryan." He watched Dallon's face grow redder. "Have you tried talking to him since the shit show at lunch?" Brendon asked.

Ryan Seaman was the new kid last year. He had transferred from California mid year and tried to sit at Brendon's table the third day of his joining. Dallon had completely fallen apart right in front of him, stuttering, blushing, awkwardly laughing, the whole shebang, with Brendon trying to hold back his laughter as Ryan awkwardly sat down at their table for the lunch period and didn't sit with them again deciding that Ronnie and his friends table was better. Long story short, Dallon was crushed and decided that swooning from a distance was better than trying to talk to Ryan again.

"N-no...I don't have my wingman anymore. Plus I have Breezy....and you know what my parents would say..."

Brendon looked down sadly but nodded. He also knew what Dallon's parents would do. His as Breezy's parents went to the same church so if they broke up, word would spread fast especially if the person Dallon broke up with her for was a boy.

"Yeah sorry...you should talk to Breezy about it" Brendon gave him a reassuring smile.

They talked about Brendon's day, meeting Pete and Patrick, hanging out at the arcade, and especially the diner. Dallon was obsessed with everything retro

There was a loud muffled voice on Dallon's end of the line and he turned to Brendon. "My dad just called me for dinner...bye Bren"

"Good luck. We'll message later, right?"

"Yeah. Of course" Dallon gave him a small smile and hung up leaving Brendon with an empty feeling in his chest, just now realizing how alone he really was here.

When Brendon was called for dinner they ate in silence. Both feeling the nervous energy coming from Brendon from his realization that there wasn't a safe place for his friend anymore. He felt horrible.

Brendon had finished putting his bed together and hand unpacked everything by the time Dallon messaged him again. They chatted about teachers and the classes Dallon was taking this year. Dallon also reassured Brendon that dinner went fine and his grandma was accepting, he had a new place to stay if things got bad so there was no need to worry. That made Brendon a lot happier as they continued to talk for hours until Brendon got a message from an unknown Skyper.

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Unknown: Hel1o&?

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