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y/n POV

To my ultimate surprised, her touch was soft and almost motherly as she grabbed me, and dragged me away. I screamed and looked back at where floweys Burt corpse was. I ripped from her grasp and luckily fell onto the spot. her razor glare shot threw me "CHilD, WhAT aRe YoU dOinG?" I quickly picked up flowey, and shoved him in my pocket.

"n-nothing!" I tried to run away but she grabbed me again. "its not safe here... we must get home Chara...." who is that? why did she call me that? I looked at what I was wearing. Did i mention I was wearing a green shirt with a yellow trim and brown jeans? probably not. 

I tried to argue as she pulled me.  she ignored me and led me threw the place ignoring and not explaining the very puzzle looking things.

"I have not seen a child for quite a while... you dear seem in a hurry. much different from the last child. I sweet girl named Aliza. I could have just eaten her up!" I hated the way she said that. "she has a beautiful purple dress too. she was so nice when-" the goat lady stopped in her tracks. "are you hungry?"

I just looked at her trying to take everything she said in. Aliza.... she lived past this goat lady. Flowey said that she died from 'him' and this goat is definitely a she. "I could eat." I answered with a weary smile

"wait here Frisk." she let go of my hand and walked off. WHO IS THIS FRISK AND CHARA?!

The second she was out of sight I booked it. I weaved threw the place until I found a ghost.... or a sad lump? I couldnt really tell. 

"can you please move?" I asked sweetly and poked it. It moaned and looked at me and suddenly had fear.

"Your a human! you will die here." 

"well thanks."

"that was not a joke.... im Nabstablook." he sadly hovered up to me

I felt bad for him in a second "are you okay? do you need a hug?"

"you cant hug a ghost." he sounded sad and I smiled at him

"then I will try to smooch the ghost!!!"

he got a cute blush and almost disappeared turning almost transparent as he quietly whispered "nuuuu..." then he turned solid again and smiled "you are the first person to make me happy in a long time. I will help you bypass Toriel." 

"the evil goat?" I asked.

"yes her. she poisons her children, you have to avoid her."

"but..." I took flowey out of my pocket "I need to heal him."

he looked at flowey and nodded. "I know where the potion is. its in her kitchen under the broken tile. you have to go with her and stay the night. dont eat no matter how hungry you are and get it when shes not looking. she never sleeps in her bed, only in her chair so you have to avoid her." he gave a worried look. "and be the kindest person ever.... she will inject anyone rude with poison. a worse poison than in the food. the food is just to get you to stay, the one she injects kills you." 

I looked at him amazed he knew all this. "thank you Blooky."

he blushed at the name and disappeared. 

I walked a little bit more and saw toriel "I should call her..." when she saw me her eyes lit up and she rushed over to me "My ChiLD!!" she checked me for wounds. "you are safe.... good. what is your name?"

"uh.. im y/n." 

"what a beautiful name!" she seemed happy. "I have food inside, lets go eat child. you must be starving.

I check flowey is in my pocket, then walk up to the door. "im ready."


(heres a update! I took some time on it, but not a bunch. I have a lot of real work, this was to avoid it! I didnt spell check or anything, so sorry)

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