He gulped and I got scared about what he was going to say. "Are you upset that I'm fighting in the rumble?" I was surprised by what he said. "No Johnny, of course I'm not angry," I said. "I'm just worried about this rumble. I don't want you or anyone else getting hurt." Johnny nodded and looked behind us as if someone was there. "We'll be ok Beth and I understand what you mean. This rumble scares me too," he said. "Then why are you doing it Johnny?" He met my eyes and when he did I smiled. "Because we stick together during times like this." He smiled and I felt butterflies fluttering in my stomach. Then I realized he was leaning in and I was too. Suddenly a car horn blasted and scared the both of us. Ruining the moment.

Suddenly a bottle landed next to us and broke. I yelped and I heard screaming from the car. "Clean it up you dirty greaser!" The car started to speed off and I saw Johnny pick up the top of the broken bottle and throw it. It missed the car and shattered on the ground. I heard the Socs laughing in the car and I saw Johnny looking upset. I looked at the broken bottle and gulped. I looked down the street and I saw the gang heading towards us. "Are you guys okay?" Dallas yelled and the both of us nodded. Two-Bit ran up to me and hugged me tightly. He held my face in his hands and looked at me. "Are you ok?" He asked me. "They threw a bottle at us. It nearly hit us," I stuttered. Two-Bit hugged me again and I saw Johnny talking to the guys. He was much more calm than I was. "I'm not going to let them hurt you Beth," Two-Bit said. "Never."

Three days later...
I plopped down on the couch as soon as I got home and Two-Bit chuckled when I did. "Long day huh?" He asked as I sighed and nodded. "I swear history will be the death of me!" He laughed and went into the kitchen and grabbed a beer from the fridge. "Here this'll help," he said opening it up and I instantly shot up. "Keith Mathews! I can't believe you'd think I'm going to drink that," I snapped but he only smiled. "I meant for me. This will help me get through your rant," he said. I smacked his arm and he did the same to me. "Are you going out tonight?" I asked him as I headed to the kitchen. "I have work tonight but I'll be home before 10. I expect you to be asleep by then," he said. Yeah, he still doesn't know.

I nodded and made us some turkey sandwiches. We ate at the table and Two-Bit decided to tease me. "So are you and Johnny together now? When I saw you two at the DX yesterday I was sure you were a couple." Johnny and I met up at the DX while I waited for Two-Bits shift to end. We talked a lot and at some point he held my hand and we just kept holding hands until I had to go. "No, we're not official yet," I said. He smiled and looked over at the clock. "I should be going," he said standing up and putting on his leather jacket. He was wearing his favorite shirt, his Mickey shirt. "Be good at work and most importantly be safe," I said. Two-Bit looked at me and his smile went away. After that night I was afraid to go out alone. It turns out they also threw a bottle at Dallas. It hit him but it didn't hurt him badly.

"Hey, don't worry about me. I'll be ok," he said coming over to hug me. He hugged me tightly and I hugged him back. When we let go he kissed the top of my head. "I'll be home soon," he said grabbing his keys. "Love you Keith," I said as he opened the door. "Love you Beth!" He said before closing the door and heading out the door. I did my homework and started reading a book that Ponyboy recommended for me to read. I was too scared to leave the house so I had nothing to do. While I read I put Paul Anka music on. I got bored of reading so I started looking through our photo albums. I found a picture from my first birthday party. Two-Bit was three years old and he was putting icing on my nose.

I flipped to the next page and saw Ponyboy and I when we were three. His parents were beside us pointing to the camera. I miss them so much. They were like my second parents to me and whenever I needed them they were there. I flipped to the next page and saw Ponyboy, Johnny, and I on our first day of kindergarten. I didn't really know Johnny but Ponyboy wanted him in the picture. We all looked so adorable. I kept flipping through the books and before I knew it it was night. I kept looking through the book until the doorbell rung. I jumped and carefully grabbed my blade and headed to the door. It rung again so I quickly ran to the door and opened it. When I opened it Dallas was at the door. I instantly knew something was wrong. "Bethany, you need to come with us," Dallas said grabbing my arm and pulling. "What happened?" I asked but he dodged the question.

"We need to go," he said. "I'm not going anywhere until I know what's happening!" I scared him by raising my voice at him. Dallas sighed and looked away and then back at me. "Two-Bit was jumped by the Socs," Dallas said. My heart dropped like a stone and all the air left my body. My adrenaline rushed through my body and I felt as if the world was spinning. "Ok, let me get my sweater." I said turning around and getting a sweater from the rack. I put it on and headed out the door. I got in the car with Dallas and he instantly pulled out which scared me. I kept thinking a million things on our way to see him. "Where is he at?" I asked Dallas and he turned to look at me. "The hospital," he said. I felt like crying the instant he said that but I fought it back.

"Did you see who jumped him?" Dallas shook his head and I took a deep breath. I had an idea of who it could've been. "You're calmer than I thought you'd be," he said looking over at me. "Oh trust me, I'm losing my mind at the moment." We pulled into the hospital and I didn't even let him finish parking when I got out of the car. "Woah, woah! Hold on!" Dallas yelled but I didn't listen. I ran into the hospital and ran up to the receptionist. "Hello, may I help-," the lady said but I cut her off. "I'm here to see Keith Mathews. I'm his sister Bethany Mathews," I said so quickly I'm surprised she actually knew what I said. She looked in her book as Dallas walked in and joined me. "I know where he is. Come on," he said grabbing my arm lightly. "Wait! Honey, you need this," she said sticking our hand. She put a bracelet around my wrist and then Dallas led me to his room.

I was practically running. He pointed to the room and I instantly ran in. Two-Bit was sitting on his hospital bed talking to Darry. When he saw me he sighed in relief and I ran up to hug him. He hugged me back and let a few tears go down. "Golly Two-Bit, you scared me so badly," I said. "I'm sorry Beth but I'm ok. I just need a few stitches and I'll be as good as new." I smiled and let go of the hug. He wiped the tears off my face and I saw the bandage on the side of his head. "What did those idiots do to you?" I asked him. "I went outside to throw out the trash and they drove by. They threw a broken bottle and the sharp end cut me on the side of the head." I frowned and he clearly saw so he lifted my chin a little. "Hey, I don't want to see you frown. I'm in pain and I would feel much better if you weren't sad," he said. I smiled for him and he gave me his cheesy grin.

I looked up and I realized that all the gang was here. Including Johnny. The doctor walked in and told us that he needs to examine Two-Bit. I stepped aside and Johnny headed my way to hug me. I hugged him back and Ponyboy raised his eyebrows at me. I rolled my eyes at him as Johnny and I let go of the hug. "We'll put on the stitches and then you can rest. We'll check you again in the morning," the doctor said. He smiled at us and then left. "You're staying here tonight?" Two-Bit sighed and nodded. "If you want she can stay at our house. The boys could crash on the couch," Darry said. "No, I wouldn't want to bother you guys," I said. "Johnny, do you mind staying at our house and keeping an eye on her? You can stay in my room," Two-Bit said.

I realized what he was doing but I had too many things on my mind to worry about that. "If that's fine with you then I'm ok with it," Johnny said. "Of course he's good with it," Dallas said winking at the both of us. Johnny blushed and shook his head. "That's not what I meant," he said turning to look at me. "It's ok Johnny, I know what you meant," I said grabbing his hand. He looked over at me and smiled. "Dallas, you mind driving her home?" Two-Bit asked him and Dallas shook his head. I let go of Johnny's hand and walked over to Two-Bit. I hugged him again and he carefully hugged me back. "Don't worry about me. You go home, get some sleep, and I'll be there tomorrow," he said. I nodded and kissed the top of his forehead. And with that we all headed out the door leaving Two-Bit to rest.

Puppy Love/Johnny Cade Fanfic Where stories live. Discover now