Part 12

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I felt my heart in my throat and all eyes went to me as soon as his name slipped out. My breath hitched and I looked down at the ground. Jay? No, I'm going to think about him. He's not worth my time anymore. I cleared my throat and all the boys instantly looked away. "Are you ok?" Johnny whispered to me. "Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" I said with a smile and he gave me a half smile. I took his hand and squeezed it a little. "I'm ok Johnny, don't worry about me." He gave me a full smile this time and I gladly smiled back. "I don't know Tim. This whole thing might make things better or worse. Can we really take a chance?" Two-Bit said. "We have the people to fight them," Dallas argued. "I know that Dallas, I'm just saying do you think we'll have a chance to beat them?"

Tim shook his head and pointed at him. "You really think we can't beat those pricks?" Tim raised his eyebrows and pointed at me which made me tense up. "If we don't do anything about it, something could happen to her." I tried not to seem scared but I think my face turned ghost white. "Don't bring her into this Tim. She has nothing to do with this whole thing," Two-Bit boomed. I almost said something but Ponyboy grabbed my shoulder which stopped me. "Technically she does. After that whole mess with Jay he's getting violent. Look at Curly! Who knows what could happen to her?" I felt Johnny squeeze my hand and I gave him a worried look. "Don't worry," he whispered and I wish I could've believed him. "I'm not going to let anything happen to her," Two-Bit said. "So what are you going to do about it?" Tim snapped back and I could see the frustration on both their faces.

"You want to protect her? Then do this rumble with us and let's get these Socs off our turf." There was silence in the room and I saw the look on Two-Bits face. "Two-Bit-," I started but he raised his hand to stop me. I bit back my words and he sighed in frustration. I was scared of what he was going to say. I never wanted this rumble and I trust that he'll make the right decision. I'll be fine without this rumble. Two-Bit rubbed his jaw and then looked up at Tim. "When is this rumble?" I closed my eyes and put my head down. "That's the Two-Bit I know!" Tim said walking up to him and patting his shoulder. I let go of Johnny's hand and he knew I was upset. "Beth, hold on a minute," he said. "I'm fine," I muttered standing up. "Bethany, now hold on a minute," Two-Bit said. "No, you guys were right. I have absolutely nothing to do with this because you guys aren't going to listen to me anyway." I headed to the door. "Bethany Renae Mathews, don't you dare walk out that door!" I sighed and put on my shoes quickly.

"Excuse me, have a good night." I said heading out the door. "Bethany Mathews!" Two-Bit said behind me but I kept walking. I started heading down the street towards home trying to fight back the tears in my eyes. He wasn't thinking straight. He didn't think that if something happened me and mom would be left alone. I don't want anything to happen to him. I get scared when he leaves the house, how am I supposed to handle a huge fight? I'm already losing my mind over it. I sighed and I heard footsteps following behind me. I ignored it and kept walking until a voice called out. "Bethany, it's me," they said. I stopped and blinked away a few tears in my eyes. I turned around and saw Johnny standing a few feet away from me. "Johnny, I'm sorry but I don't want to talk about it," I said.

He shook his head and I made a confused face.  "It's not that Bethany. I just wanted to make sure you got home ok." The second he finished my eyes softened and I frowned. "I'm sorry Johnny. I didn't mean to snap at you," I said. "You didn't snap at me Beth and you don't need to apologize. I know you're upset right now and I just want to make sure you get home alright." I smiled and I stretched out my hand and he gladly took it. We headed towards my house hand in hand. "You shouldn't have left the meeting. I would've been fine on my own," I said. "They didn't need me anyway. They already made their decision," Johnny said. Yeah, clearly they have. "Are you going to fight in the rumble?" I said looking at him and we met eyes. "I don't know yet. Usually I go if Ponyboy goes because we team up." He suddenly stopped in his tracks and I stopped with him. "What's wrong Johnny?"

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