The escape from the mundanity of life (Thelma and Louise)

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Thelma and Louise is more akin to western buddy movies than it may first seem. The film seems to be a distant relative of Butch Cassidy and The Sundance Kid, two people run from the law and try escape to a different to a different country. However, though the endings may both result in the death of the duo's the journey and meaning are starkly different.

Thelma and Louise is an escape from mundanity, a seemingly harmless trip to a cabin becomes an exhilarating chase, as the pair run from the law and their old lifestyles. The film is about figuratively running from the lifestyle that you aren't happy with. Both  enjoy the journey, despite the harsh times and run ins with the law.

I compared Thelma and Louise to Butch Cassidy and The Sundance Kid due to the similar endings, however, the meaning behind them are starkly different. Whilst Butch and The Sundance Kid die in a shoot out, accidentally running into a military battalion, Thelma and Louise's ending is freeing. The film is punctuated by this freeing ending which many find distasteful. The two die on their own terms, together . Unlike Butch Cassidy and The Sundance Kid, they chose to die together, the poetic way out on their terms.

Thelma and Louise is a film about finding freedom from mundanity. Even if this freedom involves armed robbery and murder, it's freedom nonetheless. The film ends with a freeze frame, everything was encapsulated in that single moment. All the feelings and euphoric moments are embodied in that single moment.

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